Get in touch with your colleagues through out the World - and use the 16 different IFEH Special Interest Groups (on LikendIn). Just click the relevant Special Interest Group in the left menu. The links will lead you to closed LinkedIn Groups. You need to have a profile on in order to use this opportunity.
The IFEH embraces some 50,000+ professionals being covered by our 44 member organisations, associated organisations and universities.
When ever you have a question in your daily work - why not reach out for advice from your colleagues in the IFEH !!
And if you have some findings that you would like to share - please pass it on to your Worldwide colleagues. __________________________________________________________
When you do so for the first time - you need to be validated being a member of an organisation who is a member of the IFEH - or associated with the IFEH. All the IFEH SIG groups are "Closed Groups". That means that only persons who by the IFEH have been granted access - will see your message - and you can rest assure that your question or comment will only be seen by other professionals. If the groups were open for everybody - it would not be the platform for professionals that we aim at - and questions and remarks and replies from professionals would "dry out".
If you are not covered by an IFEH member organisation or associated - you can apply for individual membership - and then you are welcome to use this facility as well.
But such platforms are not "bullet proof" - so please don't compromise yourself as a professional and by your laws standards on discretion.
The IFEH cannot take on any liability or responsibility regarding what is brought forward through the IFEH SIG groups. This responsibility and liability relies only with the person who has posted the message.
We do watch the groups - and if messages are brought that are found not to follow normal standards - we will delete such messages - and we can remove the person from the Group without further notice.
Membership of all IFEH Special Interest Groups is maintained by our IFEH webmaster.
The aim with this IFEH SIG is to provide a platform for sharing of experience and information between the individual professionals throughout the IFEH community on this particular area.
Membership to the IFEH SIGs is possible for all individual members of IFEH member organisations and associates (see the full list on )
Other professionals, not being covered by a general IFEH membership, are welcome as well - but before entering one or more of the groups you then need to become an individual member of the IFEH. You can find the IFEH membership application on this web page:
