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Activities & Projects
On these pages you can find information on IFEH activities and projects. This doesn't give the full picture as many activities also are undertaken as a result of decisions taken at different meetings.
Some of the menu items will redirect you to other sections of the IFEH website.
As the IFEH World Congresses indeed is our most profound and exclusive way of sharing knowledge between professionals the World Congresses is added to this list.
World Environmental Health Day - enaugurated by the IFEH - is 26 September each year. Everybody are invited to have relevant initiatives posted to the site.
IFEH has went into partnership with the United Nations Offfice for Disaster Risk Reduction - UNDDR. All IFEH members and Associated are welcomed to take part.
IFEH is endorsing developing and running of courses on Environmental Health Disaster Management and Practices.
Should you wish to participate in one of the twinning arrangements run by the Federation look up which possibilities are given.
IFEH takes part in the international process on food standards run by the WHO - Codex Alimentarus Commission
IFEH is engaged to the European Environment and Health Process. The process is coordinated by WHO through the EEHC - European Environmental Health Committee.

 IFEH World Congress 2024 20 - 24 May 202 Perth, Australia
Kindly hosted by: Environmental Health Astralia - EHA

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