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Unprecedented Preparedness in the Age of Unprecedented Disasters - Webinar

In an era of unprecedented environmental public health threats, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. That’s why the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), USA, with funding support from CDC/ATSDR/NCEH, is to introduce a new solution poised to revolutionize how organizations plan for and respond to emergencies:
The AI-Driven Simulation Designer, part of NEHA's soon-to-launch Disaster Readiness Simulator.

NEHA has has invited all IFEH members and associated as well as other profesional interested to participate in a free of charge Webinar taking place January 22 at 1:00 - 2:30 PM ET

For further information and to register:
Look up NEHA webinar information


IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
2024 no. 3 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine



Environmental Health Australia - EHA
47th EHA National Conference 2025
6 - 8 May 2025, Brisbane

Call for papers and registration are open.

Environmental Health Australia - EHA is hosting their National Conference 6 - 8 May 2025 in Brisbane. The EHA has extended their invitation to the international EH community - both as presenter and participator.

The call for papers and conference registration are open.

All details can be found here:
Link to the Conference Website


All Africa Congress on Environmental Health 2024
Call for papers

The South Africa Institute of Environmental Health - SAIEH is hosting the 4th All Africa Congress on Environmental Health to take place in Johannesburg, South Africa, 11-13 November 2024.

Look up the organising committee´s call for papers

Look up the Call for papers


IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
World Conference 2024 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine



National Environmental Health Association, USA (NEHA) is providing open access to their publication Journal of Environmental Health

Cover page April 2024 Edition of the Journal of Environmental Health

The National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) is now publishing their Journal of Environmental Health open access. Publishing open access removes barriers to global sharing, invention, and innovation, making it easier to reach new readers and authors who can build on the environmental health field of practice. Open access can also help policymakers, non-government agencies, the media, educators, and practitioners put environmental health research and recommendations into practice.

View the June/July issue or browse past issues through 2012, or consider submitting a manuscript



IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health
Perth, Australia 2024

The 17th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health 2024 hosted by Environmental Health Australia EHA- was a great success.

The IFEH wants to thank the organizer EHA of this great event which attracted speakers and participants from the whole globe to discuss important matters on EH in regard to lots of important items - including Disaster Mangement and Disaster Risk Reduction and many other EH vital items.


Handover of IFEH Presidency

Dr. Henroy  Scarlett- outgoing IFEH President (Jamaica) is passing over the IFEH Precidency to Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic (Croatia) - at the Perth Conference (22.05.2024)


New IFEH President

Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic (Croatian Chamber of Health Professionals) took over as new IFEH President at the Perth IFEH meeting. The IFEH congratulates Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic in his new position. Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic who the previous 2 years has been President Elect will hold the IFEH Presidency until 2026.

Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic


New IFEH President Elect

Dr. David Musokec (The Environmental Health Workers Association of Uganda) - was elected as new IFEH President Elect at the Perth IFEH meeting. The IFEH congratulates Dr. David Musoke his new position. Dr. David Musoke will serve as President Elect until 2026 at which time he will take seat as IFEH President to serve in the period 2026 - 2028.

Dr. David Musoke



At every IFEH World Congress the IFEH Eric Foskett award is presented a person inside the IFEH who has done an outstanding effort in regard to all the ideas that the IFEH is based upon.

This year Eric Foskett Award has been awarded:
Tanya Morrison , New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health

Tanya Morrison

Read about the nomination



The winner of IFEH Roy Emerson Essay Award 2024 was
Asithandile Nicolene Dyantyi

Asithandile Nicolene Dyantyi

Asithandile Nicolene Dyantyi is a student at  Tshwane University of Technology, Department of Environmental Health, South Africa.
She responded to the IFEH call for an essay on this year's topic :
"Environmental Public Health Workforce Modernization: Utilizing Technological Advances Available in the Digital Age, to Help Prepare for Tomorrow’s Challenges, Today" and won the price which included a free travel and stay at the IFEH World Congress - and giving a presentation on the topic.

Look up the winning essay by Asithandile Nicolene Dyantyi



IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
May 2024 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


Registration for the World Congress on Environmental Health 2024

Registrations can be completed on the congress website

The 2024 IFEH World Congress will have a diverse program under the theme Environmental Health In The New Era.

Look up the full program and further information on
the Conference website


Early bird registration for the World Congress on Environmental Health 2024
Call for Speakers closing soon

The organizer Environmental Health Australia has informed that
Early bird registrations for the 17th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health, to be held in Perth, Australia on 20-24 May 2024, are now open!

Registrations can be completed on the congress website https://www.wceh2024perth.com/

Early bird pricing is available until Friday, 9 February 2024 (GMT+8).
See the full list of registrations fees

The 2024 IFEH World Congress will have a diverse program under the theme Environmental Health In The New Era.

Call for Speakers closing soon!
Call for Speakers closing soon – 8 December 2023 (GMT+8).  Submit your abstract by 7 December to ensure it makes the cut-off.

Look Up Call for Speakers Flyer
Look up the World Congress Topic Scopes



IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
October 2023 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine



World Environmental Health Day,
26 September 2023

Message from the IFEH President

President of the International Fedreation of Environmental Health - IFEH, Dr. Henroy Scarlett has sent this message to all.

Look up the message of the IFEH President:

Further information about the WEHD 2023 an how to contribute can be found on: www.ifeh.org/wehd



Report from NEHA representation at workshop on EH in Accra, Ghana

David Dyjack, CEO NEHA, has participated as invited speaker at a workshop in Accra, Ghana arranged by Ensign Global College, Ghana.

David Dyjack has produced a short outline of his participation and most importantly a brief description of the EH challenges in Ghana - and why international co-operation is important.

Look up his interesting report on the NEHA website:



IFEH World Congress 2024
Call for papers

The 17th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health will be hosted in Perth, Western Australia, on 20 - 24 May 2024 by EHA - Environmental Health Astralia.

Perth is the capital city of Western Australia. Both EHA and IFEH are looking forward to welcoming you to the IFEH World Congress in Perth by May 2024.

The conference venue will be the Pan Pacific, Perth.

The tittle of the Conference is: Environmental Health In The New Era

The EHA organizing committee has sent out a call for papers to be presented at the IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.
Deadline for submissions is: Friday, 8th December 2023 (GMT +8)

Look up further details on how to participate and how to submit papers for the congress at the congress website:
Link: https://www.wceh2024perth.com

Information from the IFEH on the Congress can be found on this page:


Wildfire Response
Guide for Environmental Public Health Professionals

NEHA - National Environmental Health Assiciation (US) has released a new Wildfire guide for EHOs

Even though the guide naturally has its offset in US settings - the guide provides lots of important information, guidance and systematics which can be relevant to all parts of the Globe where such disasters occur.

The full guide is available from the NEHA website

Wildfire Response
Guide for Environmental Public Health Professionals
NEHA - 2023


One Global Environment

IFEH Americas Region

CIPHI (Canada); JAPHI (Jamaica);





World Environmental Health Day 2023
26 September

Message from the IFEH President Dr Henroy Scarlett
addressing World Environmental Health Day 2023


Theme for the 2023
World Environmental Health Day:

Global Environmental Public Health:
Standing up to protect everyone's Health each and every day

Follow WEHD 2023 activities and how to contribute:

Further information about the theme of 2023


IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6)

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC has by March 20, 2023 released: AR6 Synthesis Report, Climate Change 2023.

Link to the report: https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/syr/

The Synthesis Report is based on the content of the three Working Groups Assessment Reports: WGI – The Physical Science Basis, WGII – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, WGIII – Mitigation of Climate Change, and the three Special Reports: Global Warming of 1.5°C, Climate Change and Land, The Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.

An overview of the reports can be found here:


Review of the UN’s disaster prevention framework

The International Science Council (ISC) has finalized a mid-term review of the UN’s disaster prevention framework (2015-2030). The ISC in the review has found that a lack of long-term planning and investment has put the world off track for reducing the impact of shocks and hazards by 2030.

The ISC report is a contribution to the Mid-Term Review (MTR) process led by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR).

The full report can be downloaded directly from this
Further summarizing details etc can be found through this link

The IFEH is upholding a formal partnership with the UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. The partnership is on Science and Technology - S&T Partnership.


Update from NEHA

NEHA Annual Report
The NEHA has published their Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report. This report summarizes the activities of NEHA from October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022.

NEHA webinar
NEHA has provided access for all interested to their Nail Salon Webinar. This 1-hour program describes the environmental health, occupational health and social determinants of health related to the blossoming global nail salon industry.

Watch the webinar on YouTube through this link.


IFEH 2024 World Congress on Environmental Health
Perth, Western Australia
20 – 24 May, 2024

Link to the congress video on YouTube:
Welcome to Western Australia -
17th IFEH World Congress

Link to expression of interest:
2024 IFEH World Congress - Environmental Health Australia (Western Australia) Inc (ehawa.org.au)

Link to flyer for the Congress


IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
January 2023 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


The story behind the new NEHA logo

The U.S-based National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) is announcing the release of its new logo, the first in over 40 years

Look up NEHA's description of the ideas behind the new logo and what it aims to signalize


World Environmental Health Day
IFEH President Message

Look up the WEHD 2022 message from the President of the IFEH,
Dr. Henroy Scarlett

IFEH Presidential WEHD Message

Look up further info about the WEHD 2022


IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health
Kuala Lumpur 2022

The 16th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health 2022 hosted by The Malaysian Association of Environmetal Health- MAEH - was a great success.

The IFEH wants to thank the organizor MAEH of this great event which attracted speakers and partioners from the whole globe to discuss important matters on EH in regard to Climate Change which is affecting all lives and in partiular the effects of COVID-19 pandemic.


Handover of IFEH Presidency

Prof. Susana Paixao - outgoing IFEH President (Portugal) is passing over the IFEH Precidency to Dr. Henroy Scarlett (Jamaica).

During the latest 2 years Prof. Susana Paixao in her IFEH presidency has among other of her presidential duties worked tiredless to engage with the UN WHO and also to engage with UN COP meetings on Climate Change in order to get environmetal health even more integrated in the overall agenda.


New IFEH President

Dr. Henroy Scarlett (Jamaica Association of Public Health Inspectors) took over as new IFEH President at the Kuala Lumpur IFEH meeting. The IFEH congratulates Dr. Henroy Scarlett in his new position. Dr. Henroy Scarlett who the previous 2 years has been President Elect will hold the IFEH Presidency until 2024.

Dr. Henroy Scarlett

Look up a short Bio of Henoy Scarlett


New IFEH President Elect

Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic (Croatian Chamber of Health Professionals) - was elected as new IFEH President Elect at the Kuala Lumpur IFEH meeting. The IFEH congratulates Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic in his new position. Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic will serve as President Elect until 2024 at which time he will take seat as IFEH President to serve in the period 2024 - 2026.

Dr. Bruno Cvetkovic


New IFEH Honorary Secretary

Mr. David Nemakonde (South African Institute of Environmental Health) was elected as new Hon. Secretary of the IFEH. The IFEH congratulates Mr. David Nemakonde in his new position.

Mr. David Nemakonde



At every IFEH World Congress the IFEH Eric Foskett award is presented a person inside the IFEH who has done an outstanding effort in regard to all the ideas that the IFEH is based upon.

This year Eric Foskett Award has been awarded:
Dr. Selva Mudaly , South Afracian Institute of Environmental Health

Dr. Selva Mudaly
Hon Vice President IFEH

Read about the nomination



The winner of IFEH Roy Emerson Essay Award 2022 was Emmauel Kakraba, Ghana

Emmanuel Kakraba

Emmanuel Kakraba is a student and holds a Second year Diploma (2022) in Environmental Health Student School of Hygiene, HO, MOH, Ghana.
He responded to the IFEH call for an essay on this year's topic :
“Strengthening Environmental Health Systems for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”” and won the price which included a free travel and stay at the IFEH World Congress - and giving a presentation on the topic.

Look up the winning essay by Emmanuel Kakraba


Statement to the 75th WHO World Health Assembly

Through IFEH partnership with the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WHPHA) the IFEH by the IFEH president has contributed with important messages regarding EH in the statement brought forward by WHPHA supported by IFEH to the
WHO World Health Assembly (WHA75)
taking place in Geneva 22 - 28 May 2022

Look up the WHPHA statement supported by IFEH

Look up all Statements by non-State actors in official relations with WHO at the WHO governing bodies meetings
(WHA75 Constituency Statmements)

Look up further info about the WHO World Health Assembly
The theme of this year’s WHO Health Assembly is:
Health for peace, peace for health.


IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
April 2022 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


16th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 23 - 25 August 2022

The IFEH 16th World Congress on Environmental Health is now open for call for abstracts and registration for participation.
The 2022 IFEH World Congress is kindly hosted by the
Malaysian Association of Environmental Health - MAEH.

Look up the formal Congress website for further info

Look up the poster for the Congress

Look up further info on the IFEH website


World Environmental Health Day 2022
26 September

Message from the IFEH President Prof. Susana Paixão
addressing World Environmental Health Day 2022

Theme for the 2022
World Environmental Health Day:

Stengthening Enviromental Health Systems
for the implementation of the
Sustainable Development Goals

Follow WEHD 2022 activities and how to contribute:

Further information about the theme of 2022


9th International Conference
Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek
19-20 May 2022, Osijek, Croatia

The IFEH is an international partner to the Conference which is organized by Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek and the network of institutions.

The theme of World Water Day 2022 and 9th International Conference WATER FOR ALL is:
GROUNDWATER: Making the invisible visible!”.

Link: Look up the Conference website for further info

Link: Look up the poster for the Conference


IFEH President Statement


Martin Keeley

Martin Keeley died 9th January 2022

The whole of the IFEH is in a state of schock.
Martin Keeley as an reprensative of REHIS (Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland) after an EFEH election took over the chairmanship of EFEH (European Federation of Environmental Health) - the European Group of the IFEH - starting from 01.01.2022

Martin was a man - with a lot of drive and lots of initiatives - and it is so hard to recognize that he is no longer among us.

The whole of the IFEH community send its condolences to Martin's wife Karen and all of his family.

IFEH - International Federation of Environmental Health.


IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
December 2021 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


Update from IFEH participation at COP26
(as of 09.11.2021 and updated by 16.01.2022)

The World Health Organization (WHO), in close collaboration with the Research Subcommittee of the WHO-Civil Society Working Group to Advance Action on Climate and Health, which IFEH is part of, attempted to map out the trends and gaps in current research on climate and health over the past decade by implementing a comprehensive review of existing literature in this area. This exercise provided an overview of the current state of knowledge on climate and health, as well as geographic distribution of the studies, and outlined the new emerging fields of research.This report also presents recommendations for future research, with the aim of improving the evidence base for policies to protect health from climate change. It serves as an update of the WHO publication "Protecting health from climate change: global research priorities” released in 2009, and was launched today, November 9, at the WHO pavilion at COP26, where IFEH was represented by its President Professor Susana Paixão and Secretary Mr. Martin Fitzpatrick.
Download the report from the WHO website

Recordings from the WHO 2021 Global Conference on Health and Climate Change
(amended to the IFEH update by 16.01.2022)

WHO has informed the IFEH and others that joined for the WHO 2021 Global Conference on Health and Climate Change in connection with COP 26 that recordings of the 2021 Global Conference on Health and Climate change are now available from here:
Recordings from the 2021 Global Climate and Health Conference

09.11.2021 / updated 16.01.2022

Portrait of the Environmental Health Profession

(Now in Spanish as well as English version)

NEHA (National Environmental Health Association-US) has produced a short film movie which very briefly describes the manifold of responsibilities relying with the EH profession - and why EH professionals are important.

Look up movie (YouTube) (English version)

Look up movie (YouTube) (Spanish version)

01.11.2021 / 20.07.2021

World Environmental Health Day 2021
26 September

Message from the IFEH President Prof. Susana Paixão
addressing World Environmental Health Day 2021
by a video presentation

Link (facebook)

Theme for the 2021
World Environmental Health Day:

Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in global recovery

Follow WEHD 2021 activities:

24.09.2021 / updated 25.09.2021

World Environmental Health Day 2021
IFEH Preparatory/Information Meeting

For members and associated of the IFEH a preparatory webinar meeting is scheduled to 24 July at 12.00 hrs GMT.

Look up the agenda

Look up the IFEH WEHD webpage


Portrait of the Environmental Health Profession

NEHA (National Environmental Health Association-US) has produced a short film movie which very briefly describes the manifold of responsibilities relying with the EH profession - and why EH professionals are important.

Look up movie (YouTube)


World Food Safety Day
7 June 2021

An event June 6-7 2021 by NEHA - (National Environmental Health Association - US) and EHA (Enviromental Health Australia) is being promoted by FAO in the context of Codex Alimentarius - International Food Standards.

Look up further details


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2021

Theme for the 2021
World Environmental Health Day:

Prioritizing Environmental Health for healthier communities in global recovery

Look up further information on www.ifeh.org/wehd

Further information about the theme of 2021


Re-visit the very succesful World Academic Conference on Environmental Health hosted by
Tartu Health Care College

Tartu Health Care College, Estonia, very succesfully and professionally conducted on-line the 4th World Academic Conference on EH 4 - 6 May 2021.

Did you miss the Conference? Or do you want to re-visit the whole or parts of the conference? Well, Tartu Health Care College has now made it possible for you to re-visit the Conference:
From this page you can find all relevant links


CIEH Environmental health workforce survey report

CIEH - Chartered Institute of Environmental Health - has conducted a survey for England on the environmental health workforce. While in its nature focused on England, the methodology and their findings contain interesting aspects that could well have relevance beyond the border.

Look up the full report:
Environmental health workforce survey report: local authorities in England

Look up an overview of CIEH key findings and recommendations

Look up CIEH Press Release


NEHA - National Environmental Health Association - US - has released their 2020 Annual Report

NEHA is sharing their annual report 2020 with all IFEH members
and all interested.

Look up the NEHA 2020 Annual Report


Podcast on Environmental Health
Environmental Health: Challenges of the Profession
and COVID Response

This is the second and final episode in the two-part series on environmental health (broadcasted March 9, 2021) as described in the IFEH news message 25.02.2021 (see below).

Select the link below to listen!
Link to the Podcast #2 of 2


International Women’s Day 2021

IFEH President prof. Susana Paixão has sent a video message in connection with
International Women's Day 2021 March 8

Watch the video message from the IFEH President


Press Release

Coalition of International NGOs including the IFEH
call for Equitable access for vaccines and treatment during COVID-19 pandemic

On February 11, 2021, the World Federation of Public Health Associations hosted a historic meeting to initiate a coalition amongst leaders from international NGOs who share a common interest in equitable access for vaccines and treatment during COVID-19.

All these organizations, including the IFEH, call on the World Health Assembly, the G20, every government, and all organizations that engage in public health, social policy, and advocacy to make the ethical choice now for the health and the economic well-being of all populations globally, especially the most vulnerable — leaving no one behind.

Select the link below to read the full statement
Press Release - full statement


Podcast on Environmental Health
Environmental Health Global work force

30 minute interview with Dr David Dyjack and Jesse Bliss from the NEHA exploring the global environmental health work force-questions asked by Ellis Turner - Environmental Health Lecturer, University of the West of England (UWE Bristol UK)

Select the link below to listen!
Link to the Podcast


Podcast on Environmental Health
Environmental health emergency preparedness and response

Representatives of NEHA are participating in two podcasts on environmental health. The first episode in this two-part series is titled: "Introduction to the Role of Environmental Health in Local Communities." Guests include Dr. David Dyjack, Executive Director at the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA); Jesse Bliss - Director of Programs and Partnerships at NEHA; and Tim Hatch, Assistant Administrator at the Alabama Department of Public Health (East Central District). In this episode, they discuss what exactly the environmental health field contains, the many types of responsibilities of environmental health professionals, and the role environmental health professionals play during a disaster.

The second and final episode in this series will air Tuesday, March 9, 2021 - titled:
Environmental Health: Challenges of the Profession and COVID Response

Select the link below to listen!
Link to the Podcast #1 of 2

25.02.2021 / 10.03.2021

IFEH 4th World Academic Conference on Environmental Health, 4 - 8 May 2021
Tartu, Estonia
goes ON-LINE

The IFEH 4th World Academic Conference on Environmental Health "THE REAL SITUATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS" is still taking place, but due to the development regarding COVID-19 the organizer, Tartu Health Care College, Estonia, has made the decision to hold the conference

Closing date for Call for Abstracts: 10.02.2021

Look up further info

Conference website


IFEH Statement
Statement on Universality of Vaccine Distribution

The President of the IFEH Prof. Susana Paixão has issued a statement on the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Look up the IFEH Statement


IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
December 2020 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


How can Environmental Health Practitioners contribute to ensure population safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic?

In a great article published through Elsevier - Safety Science, Volume 136, April 2021, the role of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) during pandemic is discussed.

The article is authored by researchers and EH professionals from several parts of the World - and many of those are well known in the IFEH community.

Look up the article (link to Elsevier ScienceDirect)


Earthquake in Croatia

Prof. Susana Paixão, IFEH President, has issued
a Message of Support to our Colleagues in Croatia

Look up the IFEH President's message


IFEH Newsletter December 2020

The IFEH Newsletter December 2020 Edition
is now available.

Look up the IFEH Newsletter


Statement by the IFEH President

The President of the IFEH Prof.
Susana Paixão
in the attached statement has provided some initial goals
and thoughts for her precidency 2020 - 2022.

Look up the Statement by the IFEH President


Report from the Past President

The Past President of the IFEH Dr Selva Mudaly
has provided a report of his Presidency 2018 - 2020.

Look up the Past President's report


New President of the IFEH

IFEH President Susana Paixao
Prof. Susana Paixão

The new IFEH President 2020 - 2022 is
Susana Paixão, Portuguese Society of Environmental Health.

Look up the Biography of prof. Susana Paixão


IFEH Social Media Platforms extended

The IFEH is now on-line with a new Twitter account which supplemtents our existing organizational Facebook and LinkedIn accounts - as well as our Special Interest Groups on LinkdIn.


Updates from NEHA

NEHA has fielded a nationwide EH workforce needs assessment in response to COVID-19, from Juli - August 31, 2020.

The findings are unequivocal. EH practioners, many of whom are employed at small local agencies, are actively supporting COVID-19 response and recovery.

Look up the full report

The report is also available through the IFEH COVID-19 webpage
www.ifeh.org/covid19 in the Member Info Section.

Podcast on Asthma, Allergies, Chronic Disease and Climate Change
NEHA has contributed with insights to a podcast on this topic - produced by Healthy Living Healthy Planet Radio.

The Podcast is available throug this link.


IFEH World Academic Conference
on Environmental Health - 2021

The 4th IFEH World Academic Conference on Environmental Health is planned to take place 4 - 8 May 2021 in Tartu, Estonia, kindly hosted by Tartu Health Care College.
Conference website:

Look up further information about the 2021 Conference


2020 World Environmental Health Day Declaration

In communities across the globe, the environmental health family are fighting this global pandemic and supporting each other in their efforts.

On a World Environmental Health Day like no other the IFEH motto
"Caring for the environment in the interest of world health"
has never had greater resonance.

Look up the 2020 World Environmental Health Day Declaration


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2020

Many initiatives from all around the World are initiated in relation to WEHD 2020
Follow what has been brought to our attention through:

This include several invitations for participation in webinars, Facebook presentations, publication of statements and reports etc.

Use the opportunity to get your initiative displayed as well.


NEHA virtual EH workforce conference
webinar available

NEHA convened a 2-day virtual EH workforce conference a few weeks ago. The content is focused on food and water, re. the impact of COVID-19 and emerging issues and solutions. As might be expected, it is oriented toward North America, but valuable nonetheless. It is made possible to watch the recorded webinar etc. for free.
Registration to gain access is needed.

Further information through:
IFEH Members Platform on Environmental Health and COVID-19


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2020

Theme for the 2020
World Environmental Health Day:


Look up further information on www.ifeh.org/wehd

Further information about the theme of 2020


Corona Virus Disease Challenges in Africa: The Role of Environmental Healths

Report from IFEH Africa Regional Group

Look up the report by IFEH Africa Regional Group

Look it up on the IFEH dedicated COVID-19 webpage/ memberinfo


COVID-19 Pandemic Report: Environmental Health Officers and Assistant Environmental Officers Malaysia

Report by Malaysian Association of Environmental Health - MAEH

Look up the report by MAEH, Malaysia

Look it up on the IFEH dedicated COVID-19 webpage/ memberinfo


New updates on COVID-19 from IFEH member organisations

More reports from our IFEH member organisation on the COVID-19 pandemic have been received from: New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health (NZIEH) and Environmental Health Australia (EHA)

Look up the report by NZIEH, New Zealand
Look up the report by EHA. Australia

Look it up on the IFEH dedicated COVID-19 webpage/ memberinfo


IFEH Comments to UNDRR R-STAG paper on Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Context of COVID-19.

The IFEH is a member of the UNDRR Science & Technology Partnership for DRR and in that capacity the IFEH were informed by UNDRR with an opportunity to comment on the paper on Science and Technology for DRR in the Context of COVID-19, (spanish version) which has been elaborated by the UNDRR, Regional Science and Technology Advisory Group, R-STAG in the Americas & Caribbean.

The IFEH Americas Regional Group were asked to take the lead in preparing comments by the IFEH / IFEH Americas Regional Group. The comments have been submitted to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - UNDRR, Regional Office for the Americas & the Caribbean.

Look up the IFEH comments to the R-STAG ;paper on Science and Technology for DRR in the Context of COVID-19


Eradication of Smallpox - lessons learned
re. COVID-19

issued by Les Milne, FCIEH CEnvH
Read the article


New dedicated IFEH webpage on COVID-19

The IFEH has launched a new dedicated webpage on COVID-19
It contains lots of useful links to authoritative information on COVID-19 and maybe most importantly it provides the posibility of sharing of information and resources between IFEH members and EHPs worldwide
The virus absolutely doesn't respect borders - so we need an international concerted effort to combat it.


Look up the IFEH President Message


Photo courtesy: CDC/ Alissa Eckert, MS; Dan Higgins, MAMS


Open Letter to the Environmental Health Profession

Open letter re. COVID-19
issued by Dr David Dyjack, CEO NEHA


UNDRR initiatives on COVID-19

has released the
UNDRR Initial COVID-19 Engagement Strategy

UNDRR COVID-19 Key Messages and Communication Campaign

IFEH is a partner with the UNDRR on Science and Technology
and in that capacity and by the wish of UNDRR this information is disseminated to
share within our network and partners.


Recomendation from the WHO to improve hand hygiene practices re. COVID-19

Look up the recommendation from WHO as of 01.04.2020

Link to WHO recommendation



The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health - CIEH,
has launced a new COVID-19 resource page:


As part of the this, the CIEH has published 2 guidelines which the CIEH has kindly offered could be shared with all IFEH member organisations and relevant EH professionals through the IFEH website, for which we are grateful.

The Guidelines are:

Food delivery and takeaway guidance – advice for businesses who want to move to takeaway.
Produced by CIEH with assistance by Wales Food Safety Expert Panel, and two freelance EHP consultants.

Safe shopping – guidance on shopping safely.
Produced jointly by Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH), Environmental Health Association of Ireland (EHAI), and Irish Global Health Network (IGHN).

31.03.2020 / updated 07.04.2020

EH Professionals Involvement in COVID-19
Rapid Need Assessment

The National Environmental Health Association - NEHA, USA
has conducted a Rapid Needs Assessment (convenience sample) of the US Environmental Health workforce relative to COVID-19 - conducted on March 25, 2020. This is relevant because environmental health professionals in the US are the second largest part of the local public health workforce, behind nursing. Responses were received from approximately 1,175 local, territorial, state, tribal, federal and private sector respondents. The report was realased to day March 30, 2020.

NEHA has kindly offered that this information could be shared with all IFEH member organisations and relevant EH professionals through the IFEH website, for which we are grateful.

The survey undertaken by NEHA in the US provides very useful information - and at the same time it sets an example for how other IFEH member organisations could undertake similar assessment / survey on what are the needs in terms of COVID-19 as experienced by EH Professionals in their own country.

Look up the full NEHA Rapid Needs Assessment Report


UNDRR webinar on COVID-19

Through the IFEH partnership on Science and Technology with the UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - the IFEH were invited to participate in a UNDRR webinar 25 March 2020 on practical experiences from P.R. China and the Republic of Korea with COVID-19. Some 750 participators were attending the webinar. The webinar was organized by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s office in Incheon, Korea and the World Health Organization.

All given presentations can be found on the UNDRR PreventionWeb:

An outline of the webinar regarding the Korean practical experience can be found on the UNDRR website:

A couple of days later the Chinese experience was presented at another similar UNDRR webinar - and an outline of the Chinese experience can be found on the UNDRR website:


2019 NEHA Annual Report

The National Environmental Health Association - NEHA, USA
has released their 2019 Annual Report

Look up the 2019 NEHA Annual Report



The National Environmental Health Association NEHA, USA
has launced a new website on COVID-19




The Emerging Situation - What we currently know about COVID-19
What we need to know as individuals - The role of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) - Useful and important links

Look up the IFEH Update


Bush Fire Devastation in Australia

Dr Selva Mudaly , IFEH President has issued a Message of Support to Environmental Health Australia .

Look up the IFEH President's message


Great EH initiatives led by the Zambian Institute of Environmental Health - ZIEH

ZIEH, full member of the IFEH, has been running great EH initiatives which can lead by example for other IFEH member organisations to be inspired from. Besides running great propjects the ZIEH has done something out of the ordinary by giving EH awards to the Zambian National President on 19th December 2019 at State House in Lusaka, Zambia. At this event Dr S. Mudaly, President of IFEH and Mr. J. Chaka, Chair IFEH Africa Regional Group participated as invited guests.

Look up the full ZIEH Newsletter


New Year message
from the President of the IFEH

Dr Selva Mudaly , IFEH President has issued a New Year message for all members of the International Federation of Environmental Heath.

Look up the IFEH President's message


IFEH participation at the Global Climate & Health Summit, Madrid. Leading up to the COP 25

In November 2017, WHO Director-General, requested that a formal Working Group be established bringing together the WHO and representatives of leading health NGOs active in effort to stop climate change. IFEH was invited to be part of this group, representing the Environmental Health working force. At COP25, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA) with the partnership of IFEH (among other NGOs), will convene a one-day summit on climate and health. The IFEH is represented by Prof. Susana Paixão, President Elect IFEH.

More information:



IFEH Newsletter October 2019

The IFEH Newsletter October 2019 Edition
is now available.

Look up the IFEH Newsletter


IFEH Academic World Conference on
Environmental Health

Kampala, Uganda

Further info about the Conference

The Conference in Kampala, April 2019, was a great success.
Look up the
Statement on the 3rd IFEH World Academic Conference 2019 prepared by the host MUEHSA Uganda.

Article on the Kampala Conference

Statement on the Kampala Conference

Further information about the conference

26.04.2019 - updated 11.10.2019

Look up some of the many great WEHD initiatives
going on World Wide

World Environmental Health Day
26th September 2019
Theme: Climate change challenges, time for global Environmental Health to act in unison

Feel welcome to let your WEHD initiatives be known
and look up others


World Environmental Health Day
26th September 2019
Theme: Climate change challenges, time for global Environmental Health to act in unison

Feel welcome to let your WEHD initiatives be known
and look up others


IFEH Academic World Conference on
Environmental Health

Kampala, Uganda

Further info about the Conference

The Conference in Kampala, April 2019, was a great success.
Look up the
Statement on the 3rd IFEH World Academic Conference 2019 prepared by the host MUEHSA Uganda.

Statement on the Kampala Conference

Further information about the conference


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2019

Participation in World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2019 is now open.

This year's theme is:

Climate change challenges, time for global
Environmental Health to act in unison

Look up the full Theme description of WEHD 2019



Terror attack in Sri Lanka
IFEH President Message

Message of condolence and support on behalf of the Federation from the President of IFEH to our colleagues in Sri Lanka in light of recent tragic events in that county

IFEH President message


Special News from NEHA, USA
National Envinronmental Health Association

Update on the environmental health workforce legislation
introduced into the US congress, April 10, 2019

NEHA has announced the release of its 2017–18 annual report,
which highlights successes and milestones of the organization.

Visit the NEHA website where you can view an interactive version
of the report or download as PDF


IFEH Academic World Conference on
Environmental Health

Kampala, Uganda, 9 - 11 April 2019

The final draft Agenda for this important Conference is now available



IFEH Newsletter March 2019

The IFEH Newsletter March 2019 Edition
is now available.



Disaster due to the cyclone Idai
IFEH President Messages

IFEH President message to Malawi Environmental Health Association

IFEH President message to Zimbabwe Environmental Health Association


Shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand
IFEH President Message

IFEH President message to New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health


Link to the Official Conference website

IFEH Disaster Risk Reduction Committee

IFEH is a member of the UNISDR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - partnership on Science and Technology

All IFEH members are welcomed to participate

Look up further information


Link to the Official Conference website

IFEH is a co-organiser to the Conference.

Look up further information and call for abstracts


IFEH Presidential Message

IFEH President Dr Selva Mudaly sends his Seasons Greetings along with further call for the whole society of the IFEH.

Look up the message from the IFEH President


EFEH Meeting in Sarajevo November 2018

Look up lager photo

Association for Sanitary Engineering in Bosnia and Herzegovina hosted a very succesful meeting in the IFEH Europe Group, EFEH 9 - 10 November 2018 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Look up further informationin the meetingsection


Economic Analyses Contribution in
Environmental Health

The French IFEH member organisation Société Française de Santé et Environnement SFSE has published papers (English version) from their annual conference on the theme: Economic Analyses Contribution in Environmental Health

Look the papers on the SFSE webiste


International Conference on
Environmental Science and Technology

IFEH is taking part in the planning of the 16th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology which will be held on the island of Rhodes, Greece from 4 to 7 September 2019.

Look up further information and Call for Abstract (deadline: 12. Dec. 2018)

Conference website: https://cest2019.gnest.org/


Roy Emerson Award Competition 2018
Deadline for submission of entries:
31st October 2018

Undergraduate Students in Universities linked to the IFEH as Academic Members or through the local IFEH Member Association are invited to submit a 2000-3000 Word Essay and accompanying power-point presentation.

Look up further information and instructions


2018 WEHD 26th September
Look up many of the great events going on all around the Globe

Many events have not been notified to the IFEH - but it is not too late!
You are all welcome to let us - and the World - know about your event.


2018 WEHD 26th September
Let your planned events be known on


IFEH Newsletter August 2018

The IFEH Newsletter August 2018 Edition
is now available.



IFEH Academic World Conference 2019
Call for Papers

The Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda, is hosting the 3rd IFEH World Academic Conference on Environmental Health 9 - 11 April 2019

The conference is run in conjunction with the 16th Makerere University Environmental Health Students' Association (MUEHSA) Scientific Conference

Look up further information on the IFEH website

Visit the Conference website -
to get further information and in order to respond to the call for papers.



IFEH World Congress 2018
Auckland, New Zealand

Click for larger photo

The IFEH 2018 World Congress on Environemtal Health hosted by New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health Inc (NZIEH) was a great succes.

Conference presentations are now available

Look up further info regarding the Conference

IFEH precidency is for a two years period.

The new IFEH President 2018 - 2020 is
Dr Selva Mudaly, South African Institute of Environmental Health (SAIEH)

Dr. Selva Mudaly, President IFEH

The IFEH president is elected two years before the coming president takes office. We call it President Elect.

The new IFEH President Elect 2018 - 2020, to become IFEH Presient 2020 - 2022, is Prof. Susana Paixão, Portuguese Society of Environmental Health (SPSA).

Prof. Susana Paixão, President Elect IFEH

At every IFEH World Congress the IFEH Eric Foskett award is presented a person inside the IFEH who has done an outstanding effort in regard to all the ideas that the IFEH is based upon.

This year Eric Foskett Award has been awarded:

Mr. Henning I Hansen, EnviNa Denmark

Mr. Henning I. Hansen
Hon Vice President IFEH


Students' GREEN Conference

Call for papers
1st International Students’ GREEN Conference
17-18 May 2018 in Osijek, Croatia.

See poster for further details
Look up Conference website


IFEH Newsletter March 2018

The IFEH Newsletter March 2018 Edition
is now available.



World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2018

Participation in
World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2018
is now open.

This year's theme is:




Scientific Conference on EH in Uganda

Call for papers
15th Annual Scientific Conference to be held on
12 -13 April 2018, Kampala, Uganda.
See poster for further details


Message from the President of IFEH

Message from Peter Archer, President of the International Federation of Environmental Health:
‘The arrest of the Turkish Medical Association Leadership is a Threat to the Human Rights of Health Professionals Everywhere’.

Look up the message


IFEH Magazine December 2017

The IFEH Magazine
Environment & Health International
December 2017 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


World Academic Conference, Jamaica

Members of the Conference Organizing Committee .
Center: Dr Henroy Scarlett, Chair of the IFEH Americas Regional Group and Chair of the Committee.
Next to H.S.: Dr Sheryl Stroud,
Executive Director, One Health Commission

Look up further Conference Photos
Message from the Conference Organizer

IFEH Council

JAPHI, Jamaican Association of Public Health Inspectors hosted a very succesful World Academic Conference on Environmental Health 22-25 Oct. 2017 with many disquinguised speakers , including the The Minister of Health. More than 300 delegates from all over the World participated.

The IFEH Council had meetings at the same occation. Meeting agenda and minutes can be found in the meeting section of the IFEH website.

21.11.2017 / 15.11.2017

IFEH Roy Emerson Award 2017
.. and the winner is

Zarja Zrinski

Zarja Zrinski is a Student at University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Slovenia
She responded to the IFEH call for an essay on this year's topic :
“International Travel & Health” and won the price which included a free travel and stay at the IFEH World Academic Conference - and giving a presentation on the topic.

Look up the winning presentation


International Day
for Diaster Reduction
13 October 2017
United Nations inaugurated this day to promote a global culture of risk-awareness and disaster reduction. Held every 13 October since 1989. Look up further information on the UNISDR website: Link and Link

IFEH is a partner with the UNISDR
Science and Technology Partnership


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2017

Look up some of the many great activities around the Globe in regard to the
World Environmental Health Day 26 September 2017



Open Letter to
Philip Morris International
from 113 organisations

The IFEH is in partnership with
World Federation of Public Health Associations who has launched this open letter to PMI regarding smoking


IFEH Newsletter July 2017

The IFEH Newsletter July 2017 Edition is now available.


IFEH participation at the UN 2017 Global Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Cancun, Mexico

The IFEH participate in the UN 2017 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction 22-26 May as an organising partner with the UNISDR.
The Congress is hosted by the Government of Mexico. The IFEH has by the UN been invited to put forward an Official Statement to the Congress.

The IFEH Statement with the full support of the IFEH BOD and the IFEH Committee on DRR has been submitted to the UN (UNISDR).
Look up the IFEH Offical Statement

Look up further information about the UN 2017 Global Platform on DRR:



IFEH World Congress 2018

NZIEH has launched the Congress website for the 15th World Congress on Environmental Health to be held in Auckland, New Zealand
20 - 23 March 2018.

Look up all the information:



International student conference on health sciences, Estonia
"Health in our Hands"

23 November 2017 at Tartu Health Care College, Estonia

Conference Website


World Environmental Health Day 2017
26 September

IFEH has launched the theme for WEHD 2017
Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution


IFEH Newsletter March 2017

The IFEH Newsletter March 2017 Edition is now available.


IFEH Academic World Congress on
Environmental Health in Jamaica

The Jamaica Association of Public Health Inspectors (JAPHI) together with the IFEH are hosting the 2nd Academic World Congress on EH, titled:
"One Health - One Global Environment"
22 - 26 October 2017.
Montego Bay, Jamaica

Look up the Congress website for further details and call for papers:



Scientific Conference on EH in Uganda

Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association is hosting the 14th Annual Scientific Conference, 6th – 7th April 2017
Kampala, Uganda

Call for abstracts


IFEH Magazine December 2016

The IFEH Magazine - Environment & Health International December 2016 Edition is now available.

Look up the IFEH Magazine

11.12.2016 / 07.12.2016

Environmental Health employees remembered one year on

A year after the terror attack in San Bernardino County where 14 persons mostly environmental health employees were killed, the Californian town honoured the dead in a day of memorial events.

Look up the article dated 07.12.2016 in EHN:


Look up the message from the CEHA President, dated 02.12.2016 on the CEHA website:


Roy Emerson Award 2017

The Roy Emerson Award Competion for 2017 is now open. Undergraduate Students from IFEH Member Countries or our Academic Association members are invited to submit a 2000-3000 Word Essay and accompanying power-point presentation.

The Topic is: “International Travel & Health”

The winning entry will be invited to receive the Roy Emerson Award and present the essay at the IFEH Academic Conference in Jamaica from 22-26 October 2017.

Look up further information

Instructions for participation


New Zealand Earthquake
Message from the IFEH and IFEH Precidency

The International Federation of Environmental Health expresses its concern and sympathy

Read the IFEH President Message


IFEH Newsletter November 2016

The IFEH Newsletter November 2016 Edition is now available. Thanks to our IFEH Hon PR Officer and Newsletter Editor Jesper Ø. Christensen.
If you have news for the coming edition please email pro@ifeh.org

Look up the IFEH Newsletter, November 2016 Edition


Haiti, Hurricane Matthew
Message by the President of the IFEH

The International Federation of Environmental Health send our organisation’s condolences for the disaster caused by Hurricane Matthew

Read the IFEH President Message


World Environmental Health Day
26th September

Lots of activities around the Globe are taking place celebrating the WEHD 2016.

Some of those are noted on the IFEH WEHD website: www.ifeh.org/wehd


IFEH World Congress 2016 Outcomes

Malawi 2016 World Congress Declaration
as endorsed by the Conference delegates

IFEH Special Interest Groups

The IFEH 2016 World Congress hosted by Malawi Environmental Health Association (MEHA) and supported by the Malawi Government together with University of Malawi and Africa Academy of Environmental Health was a great succes.

The assembly was addressed by the Malawi Minister of Health - Dr. Peter Kumpalume - first row in the middle of the picture sitting next to the outgoing president of the IFEH Henninng I. Hansen.

New President of the IFEH
In the IFEH the precisdency is for a two years period.

The new elected IFEH President 2016 - 2018 is
Peter Archer, CIEH, Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, England, Wales and N. Ireland.

Peter Archer

New President Elect of the IFEH
The IFEH president is elected two years before the coming president takes office. We call it President Elect.

The new elected IFEH President Elect - to become IFEH Presient 2018 - 2020 is
Selva Mudaly, SAIEH, South African Institute of Environmental Health.

Selva Mudaly

IFEH Eric Foskett Award
At every IFEH World Congress theIFEH Eric Foskett award is presented a person inside the IFEH who has done an outstanding effort in regard to all the ideas that the IFEH is based upon.

This year Eric Foskett Award has been awarded:
Stephen Cooper, CIEH

Stephen Cooper


IFEH has launched
16 special Interest Groups - SIGs

All of our 50,000+ members through our IFEH member organisations and associated are invited to participate in the IFEH SIGs.

To be announced as well at
the IFEH World Congress - Malawi
by Henning I. Hansen
President IFEH

Have a look and join:


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2016

The theme for this years'
World Environmental Health Day is:

Tobacco Control…
a response to the global tobacco pandemic

Read more about this big event and how to contribute: IFEH WEHD 2016 Message

Visit the IFEH WEHD website:

Send information about your activities to:
to get it posted on the WEHD web site.


Haitian Call for assistance from the IFEH Community.
Haiti is facing great challenges combatting both Zika and Cholera epidemics. Haitian Institute of Health and Environment (HIHE) has called for assistance and the IFEH has responded to the call

Please read the Haitian call for assistance

Please read the IFEH President Statement


Scientific Conference on EH in Uganda
“Inter-sectoral collaboration to enhance the role of Environmental Health towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”

Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association is hosting the 13th Annual Scientific Conference, 7th – 8th April 2016
Kampala, Uganda

Call for abstracts


UNISDR Conference, Geneva 27 - 29 January 2016, Science and Technology Conference on the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030

The IFEH is a formal partner in the Organizing Committee of this important UN Conference and we endorse that all IFEH member organisations and associates attend this conference.

Attendance is free of charge.
Deadline for registration is 6th of January 2016

Look up the UN conference website

Go directly to the UN registration page


San Bernardino Tragedy
Message by the President of the IFEH

IFEH message of support to our US colleagues.

Read the IFEH President Message


IFEH Magazine December 2015
Special World Academic Congress Edition

The IFEH Magazine - Environment & Health International Dec. 2015 Edition is now available. This edition contains an extensive outline of presentations given at the very successful World Academic Congress on EH in September 2015 organised by Coimbra Health School.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


Terror attack in Paris
IFEH President Statement

IFEH statement of support to the people of France in this time of trouble due to terror.

Read the statement (English version)

Read the statement (Spanish version)

14.11.2015 / 16.11.2015

IFEH Magazine July 2015

The IFEH Magazine - Environment & Health International July 2015 Edition is now available. Thanks to our IFEH Hon. Editor Kathy Young.

Look up the IFEH Magazine


IFEH Newsletter July 2015

The IFEH Newsletter July 2015 Edition is now available. Thanks to our IFEH Hon. PR Officer and Newsletter Editor Janet Russell.
If you have news for the coming edition please email pro@ifeh.org

Look up the IFEH Newsletter, July 2015 Edition


IFEH 14th World Conference on Environmental Health in Malawi, 2016

The host of the 2016 IFEH World Conference on EH, Malawi Environmental Health Association, has launched their conference website for this coming World event to take place in Lilongwe, Malawi 3 - 6 May 2016.

Further information on the IFEH website

Look up the conference website:


IFEH EH and Disaster Risk Management - Croatia Outcome

Look up the outcome document from the successful course held in Croatia March 2015.
Look up the outcome document

More information can be found on:


40th EHA National Congress in Sydney

Environmental Health Australia is hosting their 40th National Conference 20 - 23 October 2015. All IFEH members are invited to participate. The IFEH Asia and Pacific Group will meet 19 October up to the conference.

Further information about the conference


IFEH Environmental Health and Disaster Management Course - now in Europe

The course on EH and Disaster Management is now to be held in Croatia (March 2015) and in Portugal (September 2015)

Look up further information


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2015

The theme for this year World Environmental Health Day is:

Children are our future
let’s protect their Environment and Health

Read more about this big event and how to contribute:
IFEH WEHD 2015 Message

Visit the IFEH WEHD website:

Send information about your activities to:
to get it posted on the WEHD web site.


IFEH Roy Emerson Award 2015

Undergraduate students from IFEH Member Countries or IFEH Academic Association members are INVITED to submit a 2000-3000 Word Essay and accompanying power-point presentation on the theme:
“World Health - it’s in our hands. Can we beat Ebola?

The winner will be funded by IFEH to receive the prestigious Award in Coimbra, Portugal and to present the Award Winning Essay as a Conference Presentation at the 1st IFEH World Academic Congress, 22-26 September 2015, Coimbra, Portugal.

Read the detailed guideline how to participate

More information about the Roy Emerson Award


Scientific Conference on EH in Uganda

Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association is hosting the 12th Annual Scientific Conference, 9th – 10th April 2015
Kampala, Uganda

Call for abstracts


to the top of the page

IFEH 1st World Academic Congress on Environmental Health - call for papers

The College of Health Technology of Coimbra, Portugal, is hosting the first IFEH World Academic Congress on Environmental Health - 22-26 September 2015.

Please visit the Congress website - to get further information and in order to respond to the call for papers.

Congress website - https://gehff2015.pt


IFEH Global Job Posting Site

The International Federation of Environmental Health’s Global Posting Site (GPS Locator) jobsite is a very effective and efficient means for attracting the best international and local job applicants at a very inexpensive cost. We hope you enjoy and maybe use this new feature to your advantage.

For information about how to submit a job advertisement or a application, please see the information sheet here

Use the same link to get information on advertising possibilities on that specific page.

To use the GPS locator site, as a safety feature, users (both employer and applicants) need to register first!

Go here and grab the opportunity to work with us.

Goto the IFEH Global Posting Site: ifeh-jobs.org



The Africa Group of the IFEH calls upon all Environmental Health Professionals on the African continent to play an active role in the combating and spread of this virus.

The IFEH further pledges our full support to all our Members who are involved with the control of Ebola in their countries of origin.

Look up the message signed by IFEH President and IFEH Chair African Regional Group


Food Safety Scientific Conference

The Environmental Health Workers Association of Uganda has arranged for an international conference on Food Safety, 27-28 November 2014

Call for abstacts
Look up the event


IFEH World Congress - updates

The IFEH thanks NEHA for hosting a very successful World Congress in Las Vegas, US.
Also our thanks go to:
Hedgerow Software Ltd., NSF International, Underwriters Laboratories and Decade Software for sponsoring some of the IFEH activities.
Read more about the IFEH World Congress

The Hedgerow Bursary - A true Success
The Hegderow Bursary enabled the IFEH to welcome participators from developing countries to take part in this great event.
Read the article

IFEH Eric Foskett Award
The most important and most prestigious IFEH Award - The Eric Foskett Award went to Jerry Chaka, South Afrtica for his great contribution to the IFEH and its vision, for many years.

IFEH Roy Emerson AwardNava Bastola - look up larger photo
The prestigious IFEH Roy Emerson Award went to Nava Bastola, Candidate for Mph at Loma Linda University, USA.

The IFEH would like to thank NSF International for their generous sponsorship of the Emerson Award.

Look up larger photoThe runner up, on second place, went to Jacqueline Eva Nakiirya, from Makere University of Health Sciences, Uganda

New President of the IFEH

Henning I. Hansen, EnviNa Denmark, was put in place as new President of the International Federation of Environmental Health.

His period as IFEH President will run from now and till 2016.

New President Elect of the IFEH

Peter Archer, CIEH, England, Wales and N. Ireland was put in place as new President Elect of the International Federation of Environmental Health.

His period as IFEH President will run from 2016 and till 2018.

Immidiate Past President of the IFEH
Peter Davey, EHA, Australia.
The IFEH thanks the outgoing President Peter Davey for his great effort for the IFEH in his presidency 2012 - 2014
Peter Davey is by now Hon. Vice President of the IFEH.

Also read about some of Peter Daveys achievements in the article by Henning Hansen in the IFEH Magazine.


Janet Russels, CIEH, England, Wales and N. Ireland was elected as new PR Officer of the International Federation
of Environmental Health.

The IFEH thanks the outgoing IFEH PRO Bernard Forteath for his great efforts in this position.


IFEH Magazine, Environment & Health International

The new issue of the IFEH Magazine, Environment & Health International is now on-line.

Read the IFEH Magazine


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2014

The the theme for this year World Environmental Health Day is:

Addressing Environmental Health Inequalities

Read more about this big event and how to contribute at

Send information about your activities to:
webmaster@ifeh.org to get it posted on the site.


..and the winner is.....
of this year IFEH Roy Emerson Award

The winner is Nava Bastola from Loma Linda University, California
and the runner up, on second place, went to Jacqueline Eva Nakiirya, from Makere University of Health Sciences, Uganda

The IFEH congratulates them.


Stay Connected to the IFEH World Congress and NEHA AEC with the Virtual AEC

NEHA has opened up registration for the Virtual World Congress/AEC, which will allow for those individuals that will not be able to attend the World Congress/AEC in-person in Las Vegas to access some of the educational sessions.

Find further information on how to participate


IFEH World Conference 2014

The IFEH and NEHA jointly welcome you to participate in the IFEH World Conference on Environmental Health, July 7-10, 2014, Las Vegas, US, hosted by NEHA. The World Conference is being held in conjunction with the NEHA AEC - Annual Educational Conference & Exhebition.

Visit the NEHA Conference website:

To register go to the Conference Website
Information about the sessions and events
Look up the Conference Program - Overview
Further IFEH information


11th Scientific Conference, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
10-11 April 2014, Makere University is hosting this important African Conference on Environmental Health.

Look up further information and call for abstacts


IFEH World Conference 2014

Registration for the IFEH World Conference on Environmental Health, July 7-10, 2014, Las Vegas, US, hosted by NEHA is now open.

To register go to the Conference Website
Further IFEH information
Look up the Conference Program - Overview



The World has lost a great leader. A candle has gone out - but the light that he gave to the whole World will keep on shining. And his vision will for ever stand as a guiding light for us all.

Respectfully IFEH Board of Directors on behalf of the International Federation of Environmental Health.

Read the words of Mr Jerry Chaka, South African Institute for Environmental Health, Chair IFEH Africa Group, Past President of IFEH.

Read the tribute to Nelson Mandela by J. Chaka


to the top of the page

IFEH Magazine, Environment & Health International

The new issue of the IFEH Magazine, Environment & Health International is now on-line.

Edited by Kathryn Young, Irish Association of Enviornmental Health, Dublin Institute of Technology.

Read the IFEH Magazine


Greetings from the President of IFEH

IFEH President Dr Peter Davey sends his season greetings to all members and partners. In this message the IFEH President reports on the progress of the Federation.

Read the message from the President


Award to the former Minister for Health in Ireland

Environmental Health Association of Ireland has presented Micheál Martin with their Excellence Award for his Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Environmental Health.

Read the news release from EHAI


Extreme natural disaster in the Philippines - IFEH Statement

IFEH statement of support to the People of the Philippines in this time of trouble and adversity. Our colleagues in the IFEH Asia Pacific Region stand by to offer help if requested.

Read the statement


IFEH Hedgerow Bursary

The Federation has received financial support in the form of a Bursary from Hedgerow Software Ltd. of Canada. The Federation wishes to thank and recognize Hedgerow Software for their generous support in the creation and establishment of this Bursary.

The agreed purpose of this money is to support members from developing countries to attend IFEH Council Meetings.

About the Bursary and how to apply:

About the sponsor:


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2013

World Environmental Health Day is being celebrated worldwide.
Look up some of the many activities taking place all over the Globe.

Website: www.ifeh.org/wehd



Students who are affiliated with IFEH Member Countries or our Academic Association members are INVITED to submit a 2000-2500 Word Essay and accompanying power-point presentation on the theme: “The Climate Change Challenge”... engaging the Environmental Health Practitioner.

The winner will be funded by IFEH to receive the prestigious Award in Las Vegas, USA and to present the Award Winning Essay as a Conference Presentation at the joint 13th IFEH World Congress/NEHA AEC Event from 7-10 July 2014 in Las Vegas.

Read the detailed guideline how to participate


Call for Abstracts and President Message - World Congress on Environmental Health 2014

Call for abstracts to the World Congress on Enviornmental Health 2014 in Las Vegas is now open.
Look up the World Congress page

Also read the message from IFEH President Dr Peter Davey


Why to be a member of the IFEH

The Board of Directors of the IFEH with the assistance of Past President Robert Bradbury has elaborated a document pin-pointing the benefits of being a member of the IFEH. The document is targeted all membership categories.

Look up the benefits document


The Emerging Environmental Health Risks and Challenges for Tomorrow: Prospects for Malawi
World Environmental Health Day 2013

Representatives of Malawi Environmental Health Association, University of Malawi and Malawi Ministry of Health has produced a very descriptive paper on the situation in Malawi with the aim of creating awareness an incite debate between environmental health professionals on solutions regarding the emerging environmental health risks and challenges - as an input in connection with World Environmental Health Day.

Read the paper

Look up the World Environmental Health Day
Website: www.ifeh.org/wehd


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2013

The IFEH Board of Directors encourages all organisations, universities, local and national governments to initiate events in relation to the World Environmental Health Day 26 September 2013 and get information about the events posted to the IFEH website: www.ifeh.org/wehd

Read the letter from the IFEH BOD describing the 2013 theme:

Website: www.ifeh.org/wehd


IEHFF Biennial Meeting 2014

The 12th Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Health Faculty Forum (IEHFF) will be held Monday, 7 July 2014 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. This Forum is for academics involved in environmental health education and examines issues of educational interest. The meeting is being held in conjunction with the 13th World Congress on Environmental Health and the 78th annual meeting of the National Environmental Health Association.
Save the date


IFEH Newsletter July 2013

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


World Environmental Health Day
26 September

26 September has by the International Federation of Environmental Health been declared:

World Environmental Health Day

to be celebrated each year.

The theme for the 2013 26 September World Environmental Health Day is:

"Emerging Environmental Health Risks & Challenges for Tomorrow"

Look up more information Link


CIPHI turns 100 years

The IFEH congratulates CIPHI, The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors as it has turned 100 years. This is truly a historic milestone in Canadian Public and Environmental Health.

In recognition of this momentous day CIPHI has issued news releases which can be accessed at the following links:

French: Link
A web commercial has been developed and is posted on YouTube:


IFEH Newsletter April 2013

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


IFEH Environmental Health and Disaster Management Courses

The IFEH courses on Disaster Management are progressing very positively.

Read about the IFEH initiative at this special page:

27 - 28 June 2013, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Environmental Health and Disaster Management

This course will be delivered in partnership with the Kuching Public Health College and the Malaysia Environmental Health Association.

Look up the program

Find the registration form here:

You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 or higher to read this file - get Acrobat Reader here


IFEH Environmental Health and Disaster Management Course

17-21 June 2013, Udayana University, Indonesia

Find the program here:

Find the registration form here:

You need Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 or higher to read this file - get Acrobat Reader here


Collection of full text articles from IFEH World Congress in Vilnius now available

Find the published articles here:


IFEH Environmental Health and Disaster Management Course

17-21 June 2013, Udayana University, Indonesia

Find the program here:


IFEH Newsletter January 2013

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


to the top of the page

The president of IFEH Dr Peter Davey reports about a very active year 2012 and about progress for the Federation.

Read the full message:


IFEH - Environmental Health and Disaster Management

On 27 and 28 October 2012 the IFEH delivered the inaugural Environmental Health and Disaster Management training course in Brisbane, Australia.
The training course is to be delivered Worldwide through the IFEH.

Read about the successful course in Brisbane:

Read about the IFEH initiative in general:


New IFEH Policy Statement on Health Equity

The IFEH has adopted Declaration on Health Equity.


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2012

Look up all the great activities that take place all around the Globe in connection with this very special day inaugurated by the IFEH.



IFEH Newsletter October 2012

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


IFEH Environmental Health Disaster Management Principles and Practices

The IFEH has launched a new initiative on Disaster Management including training courses.
Read all about it - and how all IFEH members can participate.


IFEH Newsletter July 2012

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), USA, Annual Educational Conference 2012 - June 28 - 30. Participate without any travel costs.

All IFEH member organisations and their individual member are invited to participate at the NEHA National Conference. You can join the conference through the virtual experience. In this way, NEHA makes the training and education that they are offering available to a worldwide audience and without any travel costs.
To learn more about this virtual conference opportunity just follow the link below.



The 5th Alliance for Healthy Cities Global Conference

The President of the IFEH Dr Peter Davey calls for all intersted members of the IFEH to participate in this important Global "Healthy Cities and Communities" Conference 24-27 Oct. 2012 in Brisbane which addresses all the elements of environmental health. Look up the congress website:


The IFEH most prestigious award, the Eric Foskett Award goes to Raymond Ellard, Ireland
At the Vilnius IFEH World Congress 2012, Raymond Ellard was presented the IFEH Eric Foskett Award.


3rd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health

IFEH AFRICA and SAIEH are organising the 3rd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health. The Congress is held in Durban, South Africa 12-14 November 2012.

The theme is: Environmental Health - A collaborative approach for Africa towards a sustainable future.

Congres Program and Call for Papers
Registration Form Link
Application Form for Exhibitors Link
Sponsorship information Link


Tribute to Bryn Jones

Bryn Jones has passed away 9nth of April 2012.
For many years he served as a council member representative of the IFEH on behalf of CIEH. In that capacity he supported the development of the IFEH from its earliest beginnings and was a constant advocate on its behalf.

Both as a friend as well as a colleague Bryn will be missed.


IFEH Newsletter April 2012

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


Tribute to Barbara Cooper

Barbara Cooper has suddenly passed away 16th of March 2012. Barbara has followed and supported the work of the IFEH for many years. She will be missed.

Our most sincere condolences go to Steve Cooper, hon. treasurer of IFEH, and family.


Environment & Health International

Read the latest edition of the IFEH Magazine.


Hymn to World Environmental Health Day

26 September 2011 the World Environmental Health Day was launched by the IFEH Council at its meeting in Indonesia. To that occasion students from University of Indonesia had composed and arranged at wonderful hymn to celebrate the start of this this special day. It is now possible to watch this very special moment and listen to the beatiful melody and lyrics performed by students from several Indonesian universities on YouTube.com recorded and edited by the IFEH.

Link to the movie file on YouTube.com

Link to the lyrics and name of composer etc.

Link to the proclamation of 26 September


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IFEH Newsletter January 2012

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


Tribute to Terry Moody

Tribute to Terry Moody, hon. Vice President of the IFEH, who sadly died on 8th December, 2011.



IFEH Newsletter October 2011

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2011

The International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) will at the IFEH Council meeting in Indonesia proclaim September 26, 2011 as the first World Environmental Health Day.

Read the final proclamation:

19.09.2011 / 26.09.2011

IFEH Council meeting and International Summit of Environmental Health Students

IFEH Council Meeting 24-26 September 2011 in Bali, Indonesia,
see The program at a glance (and info on the venue)


Indonesian Student Environmental Health Association Summit at Udayana Campus, Bali
see PDF-file.


Look up the program for 24th of Sept.

31.07.2011 - updated 21.09.2011

Tragedy in Norway

Statement by the President of the IFEH.


IFEH Newsletter July 2011

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


IFEH Magazine June 2011

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Magazine:
Environment & Health International.


IFEH Newsletter April 2011

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.


Devastating earthquake and tsunami, Japan

Statement by the President of the IFEH.


Devastating earthquake, Christchurch,
New Zealand

Statement by the President of the IFEH.


IFEH Magazine January 2011

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Magazine: Environment & Health International.


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IFEH Newsletter January 2011

Read the latest issue of the IFEH Newsletter.



Tributes to Roy Emerson
Click for larger photo of Roy with his wife Dorothy
Tributes to Roy Emerson, first President of the IFEH, who sadly died on 27 December, 2010.

Link #1
Link #2
Link #3
Link #4

Photo Roy Emerson - 2006
Photo Roy Emerson - 1988


IFEH Outcome

The Brisbane Charter describing actions to be initiated by the Federation.



News from the Africa Academy for Environmental Health.

Ten female academics from higher education institutions offering environmental health across Southern and East of Africa recently participated in the 2010 HERS-SA Academy in Cape Town during September 2010. The members of the group were supported through the Africa Academy for Environmental Health grant for Developing Gender Equity in Higher Education Institutions offering Environmental Health Project funded by the Association of African Universities MRCI grant.



IFEH World Congress 2012 in Vilnius, Lithuania

The Lithuanian Union of Hygienists and Epidemiologists who will host the next IFEH Congress in 2012 has released the new conference website: www.ifeh2010.org

Read the message from the host:


October 2010 IFEH Newsletter

The October 2010 IFEH Newsletter has been released. Read the Newsletter.


New IFEH President and President Elect

At the Annual General Meeting of the IFEH held on Sunday 5th September in Vancouver, Canada, Robert Bradbury from the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors was officially declared President of the Federation having been appointed President Elect in 2008. He takes over from Bernard Forteath from Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scorland who served as President of the Federation over more than the past two years. At the same meeting Dr. Peter Davey from Environmental Health Australia was ratified as President Elect having won a close knit contest for that position. Both Robert and Peter will serve in their new posts until the 12th World Congress on Environmental Health, which takes place in Vilnius, Lithuania in May 2012.

The Federation thanks Bernard Forteath for his untiring and diligent service as President and wishes Robert and Peter every success in their new roles.


Eric Foskett Award 2010

The Eric Foskett Award is named after the founder of the Federation, Eric Foskett,and is presented at IFEH World Congresses.

This year's award was presented Diane Evans, the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA), USA.



New Issuse of Environmental & Health International.

Read the latest edition of the Environmental Health International. September 2010.


11th World Congress on Environmental Health, Vancouver, Canada.

The IFEH congratulates CIPHI with the very successful and well organized 11th World Congress on Environmental Health in Vancouver where more than 450 delegates from all over the globe participated.

More updates and outcomes from the Congress will follow.


Safe drinking water - a human right

UN adopts resolution proclaiming safe drinking water a basic human right.

Read the article by Robert Bradbury, IFEH President Elect




Election of new IFEH President Elect

The members of IFEH are to elect a new President Elect who is to serve as IFEH President for the period 2012 - 2014

Three candidates have been nominated.

Please read the message from the IFEH President Bernard Forteath

IFEH President message

The candidates are
(listed alphabetically by surname):

  • Peter Archer,
    The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health
  • Peter Davey,
    Environmental Health Australia
  • Selva Mudaly,
    The South African Institute of Environmental Health

Supportive letter for Peter Archer
Doc PA

Supportive letters for Peter Davey

Doc PD #1 Doc PD #2 Doc PD #3

Supportive letter for
Selva Mudaly
Doc SM


July 2010 IFEH Newsletter

The July 2010 IFEH Newsletter has been released.
Read the Newsletter.


The Africa Academy for Environmental Health launches a generic curriculum for Africa.

The generic curriculum was launched at the 2nd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health that was held in Lilongwe Malawi during May 2010. As far as can be gathered this is a world milestone achievement as it is a first for a continent in the world to achieve such a generic curriculum.
For more on the launch:

For a copy of the curriculum:


500 £ award - REHIS


The Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS), a Founder Member of the International Federation of Environmental Health, celebrated its 135th birthday earlier this year and will mark the occasion by inviting undergraduate and postgraduate students on Environmental Health programmes accredited by member organisations of the Federation to participate in an essay competition..

Further info: www.rehis.org


April 2010 IFEH Newsletter

The April 2010 IFEH Newsletter has been released. Read the Newsletter.


Quality Management

Africa Academy for Environmental Health (AAEH) publishes a quality management framework for environmental health programmes in Africa


Africa Academy for Environmental Health Curriculum for Environmental Health finalised

The AAEH curriculum for environmental health for Africa, has been finalised during a workshop that was held in Johannesburg, South Africa during February 2010.


New Issuse of Environmental & Health International.

Read the latest edition of the Environmental Health International.
January 2010


Haiti disaster

Statement by the President of the IFEH:

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January 2010 IFEH Newsletter

The January 2010 IFEH Newsletter has been released.
Read the Newsletter:


Training programmes in EH in Africa

The Africa Academy For Environmental Health announces a generic curriculum outlay for training programmes in environmental health in Africa.


IFEH Statement on Climate Change

At the Singapore IFEH Council meeting July 2009 a small working group was instructed to prepare a document in readiness for UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in early December 2009.

The statement represents the collective views of IFEH members and can be used for discussion with national governments and for dissemination purposes by each IFEH member organisation and associated members.

The statement is endorsed by the IFEH Board and can be downloaded from here:

The Statement is only supplementary and does not replace the
IFEH Policy no 9
on Climate Change adopted 2006 in Dublin.

Also the
IFEH Policy no 8
on the use of Sustainability Indicators adopted 2005 in Durban is closely interlinked and can be used in the dialogue with national Governments


IFEH participation at the OECD World Forum

The IFEH by Henning Hansen, EnviNa Denmark, did as part of the IFEH Sustainability Indicator Initiative and in consultation with the IISD give a presentation as invited speaker at the 3rd OECD World Forum on
"Statistics, Knowledge and Policy” Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life. 27-30 October 2009, Busan, Korea

The presentation can be downloaded from here:

OECD Agenda
Abstract (IFEH/IISD)


IFEH Newsletter October 2009 edition

Read the October 2009 edition of the IFEH Newsletter.



IFEH participation at the OECD World Forum

The IFEH by Henning Hansen, EnviNa Denmark, will as part of the
IFEH Sustainability Indicator Initiative
and in consultation with the IISD give a presentation as invited speaker at the 3rd OECD World Forum on "Statistics, Knowledge and Policy” Charting Progress, Building Visions, Improving Life. 27-30 October 2009, Busan, Korea

Abstract (IFEH/IISD)


International Seminar and Workshop

10-12 October 2009, Bogor, Indonesia

Research Paper Writing and Publication: Responding to Global Environmental Health Challenges

Link to event page


Africa Academy workshop, Nairobi

The Africa Academy for Environmental Health held a very successful workshop during 17-20 August 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya on curriculum development and quality assurance.



IFEH Magazine

Read the latest edition of the Environmental Health International,
edited by
Hadrian Bonello.



Call for papers

2nd All Africa Environmental Health Congress, Malawi 2010


Congress Website


IFEH Newsletter
July 2009 edition.

Read the July 2009 edition of the IFEH Newsletter.



Two Africa Academy for Environmental Health EXCO members receive prestigious awards.

Click here: (
Dr Koos Engelbrecht and Dr Tracy Morse ) for more details.


2nd All Africa Environmental Health Congress

Environmental Health – the key to a better life for all.

24th – 27th May 2010

Organised by:
IFEH Africa Group



News from Africa Academy - AAEH

Africa Academy first workshop on curriculum development and quality assurance as part of the DelPHE project.

Read the report:



IFEH Newsletter
April 2009 edition.

Read the April 2009 edition of the IFEH Newsletter.



Exchange and Twinning

Read about the exchange program opportunities through the IFEH.

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IFEH Newsletter
January 2009 edition.

the January 2009 edition of the IFEH Newsletter.


IFEH Magazine

The Federation’s Honorary Editor, John Stirling has decided to step down from the post which he has held for ten years.

In recognition of the significant contribution made by John Stirling to the work of the Federation he was recently awarded the
Eric Foskett Award.

The Federation would like to thank John Stirling for his hard work and dedication over such a long period.

Read the latest edition of the Environmental Health International, edited by John Stirling.



New IFEH hon. Editor

The Federation welcomes
Hadrian Bonello, MAEHO, Malta, as new editor of the IFEH Magazine: Environment and Health International.


International Conference on Environmental Health in Indonesia -
Dec. 12 - 14, 2008

Look up the leaflet
and look up the program


News from
Africa Academy for Environmental Health
Questionnaire on training institutions in Africa

To establish a baseline, data needs to be collected on the status of environmental health training in Africa. The Africa Academy for Environmental Health has elaborated a questionnaire to be completed by all training Institutions in Africa that presents environmental health programmes.

Read more at the AAEH website: www.ifeh.org/afa

Download the qustionnaire:


Breaking News from
Africa Academy for Environmental Health

Africa Academy for Environmental Health project to develop environmental health curricula and accredited diploma / degree programmes in environmental health in SADC higher education Institutes – one of two projects out of 100 applications successfully funded by the British Council. For more details refer to the DelPHE Project Implementation plan at www.ifeh.org/afa



IFEH Newsletter October 2008

Read the latest IFEH News Letter



IFEH Strategy Planning Update

Read the latest update from the IFEH Steering Committe


and find more information on this IFEH webpage




IFEH News Letter July 2008

Read the latest IFEH News Letter



Congress Edition of
the IFEH Magazine

Read this special Congress Edition



IFEH Magazine

Read the latest edition of the Envrionment and Health International - the IFEH Magazine.



Message from the Council of IFEH to our colleagues in Kenya:

The Council of the International Federation of Environmental Health offer their good wishes and support to their colleagues in the Association of Public Health Officers of Kenya during this difficult time.

We recognise the current difficult circumstances in Kenya and applaud the work being undertaken by our colleagues in the support of their fellow citizens and in the protection of the public health.

to the top of the page


IFEH Magazine

Read the latest edition of the Envrionment and Health International - the IFEH Magazine.



Message from the IFEH Council of the IFEH to our colleagues in Zimbabwe



The Africa Academy for Environmental Health,
launched on 29 August 2007 in Nairobi, Kenya

A milestone for Africa.

Visit their new website hosted by the IFEH:

Lookup the constitution of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health

Message from
the Chairperson of the
Africa Academy for Environmental Health



IFEH Magazine

Read the latest edition of the Envrionment and Health International - the IFEH Magazine.



Environmental Health in Disasters and Emergencies.




IFEH Sustainability

Indicators Initiative SII

Visit the Compendium on indicator initiatives - now
with more than 800 entries.

The IISD together with the IFEH have been invited to speek at an OECD World Summit in June 2007, Istanbul, on the project and the Compendium on Sustainability Indicators.

Read more about the collaboration between the IFEH and the IISD.


IFEH Sustainability

Indicators Initiative SII

Visit the Compendium on indicator initiatives
with more than 700 entries.
Read more about the collaboration between the IFEH and the


New Scientific Report from Lithuania

Analysis and improvement possibilities of Hazardous Waste Management System in Lithuania.



Updates on the IFEH website

The section Activities and Projects has been updated. Have a look!

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Presentations at the 2006 World Congress in Dublin

Papers presented at the World Congress 2006 are now available!



IFEH Annual Report for the year 2005

The IFEH Annual Report 2005 is now available!

Updates on the IFEH website

The section Activities and Projects has been updated. Have a look!


Minutes EFEH Meeting June 2006 in Dublin

The minutes from the EFEH meeting, June 2006, held in Dublin is now available.



Minutes IFEH Council Meeting 2006 in Dublin
The minutes from the IFEH Council Meeting, June 2006, held in Dublin is now available. Both agenda and the minutes etc. are available from meetings.
To open the minutes directly use the link below.

Link ( PDF-file ~ 451 kB )

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IFEH Magazine 2006 - No 1
Read the latest edition of the IFEH Magazine - Environment and Health International, 2006, Vol 8, No 1

Link ( PDF-file ~ 3 MB )

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The IFEH has designed a new web site. Lots of new features have been added.
Member information is now stored in a database which makes it easier for the webmasters and other editors to change information.
A new seach engine has been installed. When searching the IFEH website there also is the possiblity of having a look up based on a letter index.

And then of course there is the total new graphical lay-out.

The design of the IFEH website is a never ending story - there always will be added new information and also made sligth changes to the functionality to highen the quality and to make the IFEH website as user-friendly as possible.

But have a tour on your own on the IFEH website.

Henning Hansen, webmaster IFEH.


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IFEH Magazine
Read the latest edition of the IFEH Magazine - Environment and Health International, 2005, Vol 7, No 2

Link: Latest IFEH Magazine ( PDF-file ~ 1 MB )



New Member the IFEH
IFEH welcomes The Public Health Inspectors of Sri Lanka as a new member organisation,
and IFEH also welcomes Kenyatta University, Division of Environmental Health as a new Academic Associate member.

Visit the IFEH member page for more information.


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IFEH World Congress 2006 in Dublin
See the new Congress Website for the 9th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health
which takes place in Dublin, Ireland - June 18 - 23, 2006

Conference website: www.ifeh2006.org


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Election of President Elect
Important message from the IFEH Secretary


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IFEH Grants from the Development Fund
Important message from the IFEH Secretary


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Tsunami disater in South Asia
IFEH Presidential Statement regarding the tsunami disaster in South Asia
Read the statement.


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IFEH Magazine 2004 Vol 6 no 2
The IFEH Magazine 2004 Vol 6 no 2 is now available online on this website.


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IFEH Procedure Manual
The IFEH Procedure Manual is now available online on this website.


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Annual Report 2003
The IFEH Annual Report 2003 is now available online on this website.


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New members of the IFEH
The International Federation of Environmental Health welcomes
Rwanda Association of Environmental Health as new full member of the IFEH

The International Federation of Environmental Health welcomes
the College of the North Atlantic, Qatar as Academic Associate member.


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8th World Conference on Environmental Health, Durban, South Africa
Read the proceedings from the World Conference 2004 - resolutions and new IFEH policy statement


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IFEH Magazine

Read the
latest IFEH Magazine 2004, vol6, no 1


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IFEH Magazine
Read the latest IFEH Magazine 2003, vol5, no 2


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IFEH World Conference 2004, Durban South Africa
From the conference website it is now possible to download the registration form (Excel-spreadsheet).
Take a look at the
Conference pages.


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IFEH Annual Report 2002
See the IFEH annual report 2002.


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New Academic Associate member of IFEH
University of Groningen, Science Shop for Biology, Netherlands
has been approved as Academic Associate member of IFEH.

Contact details etc. can be found on the member page.


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IFEH World Conference 2004, Durban South Africa
The website has been updated with new information about the conference.


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Latetst news on the IFEH Sustainability Indicators project
The project website is now available in German and French - but only some parts, besides English.
It is possible to download the presentation given at the WSSD - UN World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, and also given at the Wold Conference on Environmental Health, San Diego.

Check out the site: www.ifeh.org/indicators


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IFEH Magazine
Read the latest issue of the IFEH Magazine (issue Vol 4. No. 2 2002 )


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Updates on the IFEH Sustainability Indicators project

As one of many results from the very successful World Conference on Environmental Health held in San Diego several more IFEH member organisations are now participating in the project.
The South African Institute of Environmental Health presented the project at the World summit on Sustainable Development Johannesburg 2002.

Check out the project website: www.ifeh.org/indicators


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IFEH Project in Tanzania
Read the Memorial Book - The Clarence Phenix Memorial Library


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New IFEH Project on Sustainability Indicators

IFEH has launched a new project on Sustainability Indicators. It is the intention to build up a collection of examples of initiatives, undertaken by local and regional environment an health authorities, to demonstrate how indicators are or can be used as an efficient tool to monitor progress towards a sustainable development. All examples will be published on the IFEH project website www.ifeh.org/indicators

Besides all IFEH member organisations, the local and regional authorities are invited to participate in the project.

Read all about the project - and how to participate - at the IFEH project website: www.ifeh.org/indicators


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Dear friends,
The Federation has with very great sadness received a message that Eric Foskett died on the 7th of August.
The International Environmental Health community has thereby lost a loyal and true friend.
Eric Foskett was the man who was the originator of the Federation and who thereby contributed to increased global understanding.

All who knew him will never forget him.

All honour to his memory.

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Agenda for Action 2000 (AIEH)
"Agenda for Action" resulting from the Singapore Regional Workshop held after the 2000 Australian National Environmental Health Conference.
Read the Agenda


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IFEH World Congress 2002 on Environmental Health
The 2002 World Congress Organizing Committee invites environmental health professionals from around the world to submit papers for possible presentation at the 7th World Congress on Environmental Health.

Call for papers - Deadline: 31. July 2001. See the call for papers.


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Scientific Report
Scientific Report: Scottish New Homes Lead Survey
Submitted by Dr. Colin N. Ramsay, Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
Read the report...


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IFEH council meeting report
Report from the IFEH Council meeting, November 2000, is now available
The report from the IFEH Council meeting, held in Nicosia, Cyprus 4-5. November 2000
Read the report...


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Abstracts and speeches from the IFEH World Congress 2000 in Oslo
Abstracts and speeches from the IFEH World Congress 2000 in Oslo is now available.
Speeches and abstracts from the Conference has been put on the FMH-website - but can be read from here - the papers can be found when you scroll down the programme - under the item: Details
Find the speeches and abstracts from here...


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New members of IFEM: Lithuania and Kazakhstans national organisations
Lithuania and Kazakhstans national organisations concerning environmental health have become new members of IFEH
Besides the two new member organisations, IFEH is welcoming new associated members.
Check out the memberlist for more information.


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Scientific report - winter tyres without toxic oils

New list of winter tyres without toxic oils - Scientific Report from Sweden
From MHTF - Sweden we have received this report elaborated by The Gothenburg Region Association of Local Authorities
Read the report


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IFEH Annual report 1999
The IFEH annual report 1999 is now online in PDF-format.
Read the report


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Scientific report - risk or effects from environmental exposures
Dealing with assertions of risk or effects from environmental exposures: A systematic approach
A guidance document for Scotland.
Read the abstract.


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Scientific report - Mercury hunting.
Mercury–hunting in the Gothenburg region 1998-1999
The environmental risks of the hidden mercury has to be more widely recognised!
Here you can read about one of several successful mercury projects initiated by SEPA, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency.
Read the article.


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Building Regional and Global Networks
Read the article by Kia Regnér, Immediate Paste President IFEH.
Read the article.


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IFEH Project in Tanzania
The IFEH project to raise money to establish a library for the new degree course is going well but a more generous response to the IFEH Tanzania Library Appeal is still needed.

If, through this project, the average life expectancy at birth in Tanzania is in time raised to only 46 then we, with others, will have contributed to an astonishing 125 million years of life gain for its people. This project can be replicated in many other countries. The contribution that environmental health education and professional development can make to mankind in the developing world is quite simply staggering.

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