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Scientific Reports
The IFEH encourages individual members of the member organisation as well as associated organisations and academic associated members to publish scientific reports on this site.
The reports can be scientific or they can be a general report on topics related to environmental health and protection. The report can be just an abstract with a direct link to the full report.
Just send your report / abstract to the webmaster: webmaster@ifeh.org to have your report published on this site.
Below is a list of available reports.
Submitted by:
Available reports
Jurgita Ulinskaite, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Analysis and Improvement Possibilities of Hazardous Waste Management System in Lithuania
Kia Regner, YMH, Sweden
Building Regional and Global Networks - a network of environment and health professionals
Marty Pearce, MPH, Canada
Human health surveillance during the aerial spraying control of North American gypsy moth on southern Vancouver Island, British Columbia.
Henning Hansen, FMK, Denmark |
IFEH Sustainability Indicators Initiative to monitor progress towards a sustainable development
George P Morris, Scotland
Dealing with assertion of risk or effects from environmental exposures: A systematic approach
I. Horner, YMF, Sweden
New list of winter tyres without toxic oils - Report from Sweden
Dr. Colin N. Ramsay, Health Protection Scotland, Scotland
Scottish New Homes Lead Survey - Report from SCIEH, Scotland
I. Horner, YMF, Sweden
Mercury–hunting in the Gothenburg region 1998-1999

 IFEH World Congress 2016
May 3-6 2016 MEHA, Malawi Environmental Health Association will host the 14th
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.