Twinning arrangements
The Internationalt Federation of Environmental Health is operating different twinning arrangement.
They can be divided in two groups: Type 1 and type 2 twinning:
Type 1. Twinning in the sense of exchange of expertise and professionals.
There is now an agreement between the national associations within the IFEH, opening the possibility for the private members of the national associations to swap office and chair for a period of up to two or three weeks.
So if you are a private member of one of the 43 IFEH member organisations you now have this opportunity to pay a technical visit to another country for a period of 2 to 3 weeks. The visit will be hosted by the IFEH member organisation in the specific country.
If you are interested in utilizing the opportunity of twinning please get in touch with the contact person in your own country and then the contact person will afterward make contact to the wanted destination of yours and together we will try set up the needed and specific agreements.
Find the contact persons: See the member page.
For more details on this opportunity read this document.
Besides the general aggreement between all of the IFEH member organisations there exist special type 1 twinning arrangements between the following organisations:
Denmark ENVINA - The Danish Association of Environment and Nature Protection Officers
Scotland REHIS - Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland |
Canada CIPHI - Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors
Denmark ENVINA - The Danish Association of Environment and Nature Protection Officers
Scotland REHIS - Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland |
Cyprus The Association of Health Inspectors
Scotland REHIS - Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland |
Lithuania Union of Hygienists & Epidemiologists
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH North Western Region
California, USA CEHA - California Environmental Health Association
Type 2. Twinning in the sense of educational programmes where one member organisation helps another member organisation.
For the moment the following type 2 twinnings arrangement are set up:
Australia EHA - Environmental Health Australia
Zambia Environmental Health Institute of Zambia
Scotland REHIS - Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland |
Malawi Environmental Health Officers Association of Malawi
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH Northern Region
Kenya Association of Public Health Officers - Kenya
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH Northern Ireland Region
Tanzania Tanzanian Association of Health Inspectors
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH East Midland Region
Uganda The Environmental Health Workers Association of Uganda
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH Wales Center
Rwanda Rwanda Association of Environmental Health
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH Greater London Region
Jamica Jamaican Association of Public Health Inspectors
England, Wales and N. Ireland CIEH North West Region
Zambia Environmental Health Institute of Zambia
If you are interested in working in another country and IFEH has a member organisation in that country you should get in touch with the nominated contact but you should be aware that the requirements for working in that country might differ from those in your home country. The nominated person will, therefore, not be able to tell you where to look for a job but will only be able to explain the requirements for working in that country.


3rd IFEH Academic World Conference 9-11 April 2019 Kampala, Ugandada
Hosted by: Makerere University School of Public Health
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