IFEH Partnership with UNDRR for Disaster Risk Reduction
International Federation of Environmental Health is holding a formal partnership with the UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. The partnership is on Science and Technology - S&T Partnership.
The principal goal of the Scientific and Technical Partnership, as laid down by the UNDRR, is to provide the scientific and technical expertise for the implementation of the Sendai Framework.
Look up further information at the bottom of this page or go to the UNDRR website: www.UNDRR.org
IFEH participation The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction is one of the most important UN initiatives in recent history. Environmental Health is a key component in all phases of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management. In that light the IFEH joined as a S&T partner with the UNDRR.
IFEH represents a global network of academic health centres and practicing environmental health professionals, and is uniquely able to disseminate relevant training, education, and research findings. Most importantly, our members are committed to identifying best practices, and sharing those through our established network.
IFEH Disaster Risk Committee - IFEH DRR Committee In order to fullfill the IFEH commitments to the S&T Partnership and in order to secure further IFEH engagement and participation the IFEH with the endorsement of the IFEH Council has formed the IFEH DRR Comittee.
The Committee include broad representation from all IFEH Regional Groups, the IFEH Presidency as well as from the academic societies associated with the IFEH. It provides a strong foundation for the Federations work on DRR. Its mission is to promote and facilitate engagement in all IFEH Regions and to promote co-operation between EH professionals and the Scientific Communities and to distribute information about DRR and to do this in partnership with international bodies as the UNDRR.
The committee will be aiming at fostering a frame for the sharing of experience on EH related DRR and disseminate information, fostering co-operation between members and between universities on educational frameworks.
The IFEH DRR Committee is chaired by: Mr. Henning I. Hansen Hon. Vice President IFEH, IFEH Council, EnviNa Denmark. E-mail: henning.hansen@ifeh.org
IFEH Endorsement of EH Disaster Management Course The IFEH is endorsing the Environmental Health Disaster Management Course run by Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia Link to the course
Meeting in the IFEH DRR Commitee
The IFEH DRR Committee held a meeting on Zoom 29 April 2023.
Look up the agenda
Look up presentaion by Prof. Virginia Murray
Minutes from the meeting
Look up the dedicated IFEH webpage on COVID-19
The IFEH has launched a dedicated webpage on COVID-19. It contains lots of useful links to authoritative information on COVID-19 and maybe most importantly it provides the posibility of sharing of information and resources between IFEH members and EHPs worldwide The virus absolutely doesn't respect borders - so we need an international concerted effort to combat it.
The COVID-19 pandemic is very much in the scope of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and naturally in the scope of the IFEH and our member organisations - as EH is at the very centre of this world wide crisis.
Meeting in the IFEH DRR Commitee
The IFEH DRR Committee held a meeting on Zoom 15 November 2020.
Minutes from the meeting can be found here.
IFEH Comments to UNDRR R-STAG paper on Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) in the Context of COVID-19.
The IFEH is a member of the UNDRR Science & Technology Partnership for DRR and in that capacity the IFEH were informed by UNDRR with an opportunity to comment on the paper on Science and Technology for DRR in the Context of COVID-19, (spanish version) which has been elaborated by the UNDRR, Regional Science and Technology Advisory Group, R-STAG in the Americas & Caribbean. ( Link )
The IFEH Americas Regional Group were asked to take the lead in preparing comments by the IFEH / IFEH Americas Regional Group. The comments have been submitted to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - UNDRR, Regional Office for the Americas & the Caribbean.
Look up the IFEH comments to the R-STAG ;paper on Science and Technology for DRR in the Context of COVID-19
UNDRR Initial COVID-19 Engagement Strategy
UNDRR COVID-19 Key Messages and Communication Campaign
IFEH is a partner with the UNDRR on Science and Technology and in that capacity and by the wish of UNDRR this information is disseminated to share within our network and partners.
UNDRR webinar on COVID-19
Through the IFEH partnership on Science and Technology with the UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - the IFEH were invited to participate in a UNDRR webinar 25 March 2020 on practical experiences from P.R. China and the Republic of Korea with COVID-19. Some 750 participators were attending the webinar. The webinar was organized by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s office in Incheon, Korea and the World Health Organization.
All given presentations can be found on the UNDRR PreventionWeb:
An outline of the webinar regarding the Korean practical experience can be found on the UNDRR website:
A couple of days later the Chinese experience was presented at another similar UNDRR webinar - and an outline of the Chinese experience can be found on the UNDRR website:
UNDRR Global Platform 2019 on DRR
The IFEH was invited by the UNDRR to attend the Global Platform 2019 on DRR in Geneva in May 2019 including meetings with other S&T Partners. (The Conference was by UN invitation only) Mr. Henning I. Hansen (EnviNa Denmark) Chairman of the IFEH DRR Committee, Hon IFEH Vice President, attended the Confernce.
In connection with the UNDRR Confernce the IFEH posted an Official Statement to the Global Platform 2019.
Look up the Official IFEH Statement 2019.
IFEH input to the UNDRR Science and Technology Roadmap to Support the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
The IFEH has by the UNDRR as a member of the UNDRR S&T Partnership been asked to comment on a proposal for an update of the The Science and Technology Roadmap to Support the Implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030. The prosal is intended to be finally adopted in Geneva in May 2019 at the Global Platform 2019 on DRR.
After circulation to all IFEH DRR Committee members the IFEH has put forward its comments to the UNDRR.
Links: The existing Roadmap as of 2016 The draft proposal as of 2019 for an updated Roadmap IFEH comments to the draft proposal
IFEH DRR presented at IFEH EH Academic World Conference 2019
IFEH EH Academic World Conference on Environmental Health 2019 Kampala, Uganda, 9 - 11 April 2019 Paper on DRR to be presented by H.I. Hansen Link: www.ifeh.org/worldcongress/waceh2019
IFEH DRR presented at IFEH Council Meeting 2019
IFEH Council Meeting Kampala Uganda, 7 - 8 April 2019 Link: Look up Meeting section IFEH
UNDRR GP2019, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva 2019
UNDRR GP2019, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva 13-17 May 2019 Link: www.UNDRR.org/conference/2019/globalplatform
S&T Partnership meeting, UNDRR, in connection with the GP2019, Geneva
IFEH DRR presented at EFEH Group Meeting 2019
IFEH Europe Group Meeting Coimbra, Portugal, 7-8 June 2019 Link: Look up Meeting section IFEH
UNDRR Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Cancun, Mexico 2017
UNDRR GP2017, Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction, Cancun, Mexico 24-26 May 2017 Link: www.UNDRR.org/conferences/2017/globalplatform/en IFEH were member of the planning committee leading up to the Cancun conference.
IFEH presented an official statement to the UN Cancun Conference UNDRR link: www.UNDRR.org/files/globalplatform/53455ifehofficialstatement.pdf
IFEH participation in prepatory meeting at UNDRR Geneva, December 2016 where major European Groups were invited.
UNDRR Science and Technology Conference on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DisasterRisk Reduction 2015-2030 Geneva 27-29 January 2016
UNDRR Science and Technology Conference on the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DisasterRisk Reduction 2015-2030 Geneva 27-29 January 2016 Link: https://www.UNDRR.org/partners/academia-research/conference/2016/
IFEH was a formal member to the Organising Committee planning the Conference
IFEH gave presentation at the Conference.
IFEH has been engaged with DRR for many years
For many years the IFEH has been engaged in the field of Disaster Management and Disaster Risk Reduction.
The IFEH started by 2012 to present courses on EH Disaster Management (EHDM). By 2016, for practically reassons, all responsibilities and liabilty regarding the EHDM course was through a MOU left to the coordinators of the course. And from thereon IFEH have no financial nor other responsibility regarding the EHDM Course.
The IFEH is endorsing the EHDM course.
Further information about the EHDM course can be found here: Link: https://www.ifeh.org/ehdm/
As described by the UNDRR
The principal goal of the Scientific and Technical Partnership is to provide the scientific and technical expertise for the implementation of the Sendai Framework.
The scope and functions of this work is defined in the Sendai Framework under its paragraph 25g as to strengthen the evidence-base in support of the implementation of this framework; by
- Promote scientific research of disaster risk patterns, causes and effects;
- Disseminate risk information with the best use of geospatial information technology;
- Provide guidance on methodologies and standards for risk assessments, disaster risk modelling and the use of data;
- Identify research and technology gaps and set recommendations for research priority areas in disaster risk reduction;
- Promote and support the availability and application of science and technology to decision-making;
- Use post-disaster reviews as opportunities to enhance learning and public policy; and disseminate studies.
The Guiding Principles
- The work of the S&T Partnership for the implementation of the Sendai Framework will build upon collaboration with existing and future institutions, research centres, academia, networks and platforms with recognised expertise and experience in developing and/or applying science and technology to reduce disaster risk.
- The S&T Partnership will work to ensure the Sendai Framework is implemented to a high scientific and technical standards.
- The S&T Partnership will operate within the terms of reference, which enshrine the principles of transparency, impartiality, equity, accessibility and evidence-informed processes.
- The S&T Partnership’s work will focus on deliverables, capitalise on and make available existing scientific and technical knowledge, practices and tools to reduce disaster risk.
- The S&T Partnership will contribute to further develop international cooperation and capacity building to local, national, regional and global science communities to meet the objectives of the Sendai Framework.
- The S&T Partnership will continuously use and apply learning from similar international systems, including relevant bodies at international and other levels for support where needed.
