The Conference was a great succes.
Look up the Statement on the 3rd IFEH World Academic
Conference 2019 prepared by MUEHSA Uganda:
Statement on the Kampala Conference
Look up the article in regard to the Conference
Conference website:
Look up the Conference Poster
About the Conference, titled:
Environmental Health: a cornerstone to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
Environmental health is concerned with assessing environmental agents (physical, chemical and biological) that affect human health. Today, 23% of all global deaths are linked to the environment, which is roughly 12.6 million deaths a year. Health and the environment are centrally positioned within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with SDG 3 to ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all ages, and SDG 6 to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. A number of health and environment related indicators are present in the other 10 of the 17 goals. Moreover, there are 28 health and environment related targets with a total of 47 health-related indicators in the 11 SDG goals.

Conference Group Photo - Kampala April 2019
Objectives of the Congress
The aim of the 3rd International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) Academic and 16th Makerere University Environmental Health Students' Association (MUEHSA) Scientific Conference held from 9th to 11th April 2019 at Hotel Africana in Kampala, Uganda was to bring together various stakeholders from around the world to stimulate multidisciplinary and multisectoral collaboration in environmental health central to achievement of the SDGs.
The conference engaged academia, researchers, policy makers, practitioners, students and local communities from the 4 regions of the IFEH (Africa, Americas, Asia and Pacific, and Europe). Through the diverse group attending the conference, participants were able to deliberate on environmental health interventions relevant for attainment of the SDGs.
IFEH are grateful to Neil Grinwis and John Dodson the principals of Hedgerow Software Ltd for their on-going commitment and dedication to global environmental health through their help in supporting members from low-income countries to attend IFEH Council meetings and thereby attending the IFEH Academic World Conference 2019.