About IFEH World Congresses
The IFEH arranges World Congresses on Environmental Health:
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health, biennially, since 1988
Since 2015 and until 2021 the IFEH also arranged IFEH Academic World Conference on Envirornmental Health, biennially.
The Federation endorses and supports World Congresses on Environmental Health, which are hosted by member organisations, or, in some instances, by affiliates of member organizations.
Congresses are intended to promote education, exchange of ideas and experience, and facilitate personal contact.
World Congresses are structured to provide the broadest range of environmental health education and for many opportunities for individuals to interact.
Congress programs have a local, as well as an international flavour, with a combination of local and international speakers and topics. Parallel sessions and workshops are to be part of the program, as well as technical tours.
IFEH Council meeting - IFEH Annual assembly - and meetings in IFEH Regional Groups are facilitated in connection to a World Congress.
More information on the conduct of World Congresses can be found in the Procedures Manual
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IFEH World Congress 2024 20 - 24 May 2024 Perth, Australia
Hosted by: Environmental Health Australia

IFEH World Congress 2022 23 - 25 August 2022 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Hosted by: Malaysian Association of Environmental Health
 4th IFEH Academic World Conference on Environmental Health, Tartu, Estonia, 4 - 6 May 2021
Hosted by: Tartu Health Care College

3rd IFEH Academic World Conference 9-11 April 2019 Kampala, Ugandada
Hosted by: Makerere University School of Public Health

IFEH World Congress 2018 20-23 March 2018 Auckland, New Zealand
Hosted by NZIEH

2nd IFEH Academic World Conference on Environmental Health, Jamaica Hosted by: JAPHI and IFEH 22 - 26 October 2017
 IFEH World Congress 2016 3 - 6 May 2016 Lilongwe, Malawi
Hosted by: MEHA, Malawi Environmental Health Association.

 IFEH World Congress 2014
July 7-10 2014 NEHA, National Environmental Health Association, USA hosted the 13th
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.
 IFEH World Congress 2012 22-27 May2012, LUHE, Lithuanian Union of Hygienists & Epidemiologists hosted the 12th
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.
 IFEH World Congress 2010
5-10 September 2010, CIPHI, The Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors hosted the 11th
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.
 IFEH World Congress 2008
11-16 May 2008, the Australian Institute of Environmental Health hosted the 10th
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.
 IFEH World Congress 2006
18 - 23 June 2006, the Environmental Health Officers' Association Ireland hosted the 9th
IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health.
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