IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 7 - 10 July 2014
The congress was hosted by NEHA, National Environmental Health Association, USA
Download presentations given by IFEH member organisations and associates.
Download photos from the Congress.
Download the final Progam
 IFEH Family Group Photo - taken 6th of July 2014 (Click to get larger version)
The IFEH would like to extend our deepest thanks to NEHA for hosting this very successful World Congress.
Also the IFEH would like to extend our deepest gratitude to those companies who sponsored some of the IFEH activities: Hedgerow Software Ltd., NSF International, Underwriters Laboratories and Decade Software.
The Hegderow Bursary enabled the IFEH to welcome participators from developing countries to take part in this great event. Read the article about the 2014 Hedgerow Bursary.
The 13th IFEH World Congress, in partnership with the NEHA 2014 AEC, brought the latest innovations and unique responses to environmental health and protection problems. More than 2O different environmental health topics were brought forward through educational lectures, hands-on demonstrations, tabletop exercises, panel discussions, poster presentations, roundtable discussions, and other types of interactive and innovative presentation formats.
IFEH hosted its Annual IFEH Council and
Regional Group meetings, the IFEH AGM and the IFEH International Faculty Forum
for academics and students from 5 to 10 July in connection with this event. The IFEH meetings were lead by the out going President of the IFEH Peter Davey, Australia (seen in the middle, 1st row of the upper photo). On his left you have the new IFEH President Henning I Hansen, Denmark and on his right you have the new IFEH President Elect Peter Archer, England.
Detailed information about the congress can be found at www.neha2014aec.org
IFEH Eric Foskett Award The most important and most prestigious IFEH Award - The Eric Foskett Award went to Jerry Chaka, South Afrtica for his great contribution to the IFEH and its vision, for many years.
IFEH Roy Emerson Award The prestigious IFEH Roy Emerson Award went to Nava Bastola, Candidate for Mph at Loma Linda University, USA.
The IFEH would like to thank NSF International for their generous sponsorship of
the Emerson Award
New President of the IFEH Henning I. Hansen, EnviNa Denmark, was put in place as new President of the International Federation of Environmental Health.
His period as IFEH President will run from now and till 2016.
New President Elect of the IFEH Peter Archer, CIEH, England, Wales and N. Ireland was put in place as new President Elect of the International Federation of Environmental Health.
His period as IFEH President will run from 2016 and till 2018.
Immidiate Past President of the IFEH Peter Davey, EHA, Australia. The IFEH thanks the outgoing President Peter Davey for his great effort for the IFEH in his presidency 2012 - 2014.
Peter Davey is by now Hon. Vice President of the IFEH.
Also read about some of Peter Daveys achievements in the article by Henning Hansen in the IFEH Magazine.