Eric Foskett Award 2006 - Awarded to Kia Regnér
Ms Kia Regnér, Sweden was presented with the Eric Foskett Award by president Jerry Chaka at the Congress dinner held at University of Dublin during the World Congress in June 2006.
The recipient of the Eric Foskett Award, which is named after the founder of both IFEH and the award, must have made a notable contribution to the work of the International Federation of Environmental Health by helping it to fulfil its aims and objectives.
Driving force in supporting IFEH Kia Regnér has been a driving force in promoting international environmental health co-operation, and in supporting IFEH as a world-wide network for environmental health professionals, both nationally and internationally, indeed even before IFEH was inaugurated. Nordic co-operation laid a foundation to future IFEH development. Kia was also the first female president of the IFEH elected at the IFEH World Congress in Stockholm in 1998 for which organization and success she carried a major responsibility.
Holistic approach That IFEH should be appreciated as an active, transparent and open organisation for member organisations from countries all over the world has always been in her focus. The connection between environmental problems and their impact on health, and indeed public health, is all too often neglected. A holistic approach and bringing together the sometimes very separately - and by different professionals - addressed issues of environment and health, she also regards as essential for being successful in preventing or handling environmental health effects. Kias efforts in bringing environmental health into different national and international contexts have been extensive and a lot of her private life has been dedicated to this task.
Environmental health competence vital As honorary officer or advisor in different organisations, for instance IMPEL and EEHC she always takes the opportunity to promote both the importance of qualified environmental health professionals and IFEH as an organisation, in accordance with the organisation´s motto “Caring for the environment in the interest of world health”.
Kia Regnér is the Honorary Public Relations Officer (PRO) of IFEH, and the international representative of Yrkesföreningen Miljö och Hälsa (YMH), the Swedish Association of Environmental Health Professionals (SEAHP) for which she was chairperson between 1982 and 2002.