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Eric Foskett Award 2018

The award is presented at IFEH World Congresses. It is to be awarded to either an individual or an organisation. Recipients must have made a notable contribution to the work of the Federation by helping it to fulfil its aims and objectives.

Below you will find information on the recipient of the Eric Foskett Award 2018

At the 15th IFEH World Congress 2018, Auckland, New Zealand, the award was presented:

Henning I Hansen
Past president of IFEH
Honorary Vice President of IFEH
Hon Webmaster IFEH

Danish Association of Environment and Nature,

Henning I Hansen

Eric Foskett Award 2018
- Awarded to Henning I Hansen

Henning Hansen has been member of the IFEH Council since 1996. At that time he was president of the Danish Association (FMK Denmark) - now ENVINA Denmark - where he held the chairmanship in the period 1994 - 2003.
He was President of the IFEH in the period 2014-2016.

Both before and during his IFEH predicency - and still going on - Henning is dedicated in getting the voice of EH Profesionals heard by all the major organisations as UN, WHO and the OECD etc. At the same time he has had the vision that all EH organisations use each other and that the IFEH creates possibilities for all individual EH workers to share experience between each others - cross borders - worldwide - as this is the most important foundation - both for utilising the great poll of experience and to advance the EH profession as for the IFEH to being heard by the major organisations.

Henning has made a remarkable contribution to the work inside and outside the Federation. Particularly we should like to highlight these efforts:

  • Excellent contribution to Profession for Policy and Communication of IFEH Goals

  • By 2000 initiating IFEH projects on the use of Susainability Indicators which gave rose to the IFEH Policy No. 8 - and which since then has been presented at and influenced many international conferences - be that IFEH, UN, OECD etc.
  • Work for IFEH's commitment to the UN, including IFEH's formal partnership with UNDRR on Science and Technology and implementation of the UN Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) www.undrr.org .
  • Work as Chairman of the IFEH Committee of Disaster Risk Reduction
  • Work at the European level, as a catalyst for the development and cooperation with EU and especially IMPEL cooperation, where he serves as coordinator for EFEH. https://www.impel.eu/about-impel/members-and-observers/
  • Great and significant work with development on the IFEH website and as Website Master for more than 20 years. www.ifeh.org

Biographical details

Henning has held and holds several positions of trust in IFEH for decades:

• IFEH Council member since 1996.

• IFEH Webmaster (1999- )

• EFEH Chairman (2012 - 2014)

• IFEH President Elect (2012 - 2014)

• IFEH President (2014 -2016)


Henning I Hansen is an environmental senior specialist. He has a significant interest and knowledge within his field globally as well as regionally and locally. When he discovers or recognizes new environmental/health risks and/or opportunities, he assess the topics and define how to deal with this in IFEH. His drive, push and attitude has been essential to maintain focus on high priorities in IFEH.

Henning I Hansen is the person who makes it happen although the barriers and challenges seem to be too hard. He has demonstrated a unique and dedicated effort for IFEH and the aim of the organisation during many years.

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IFEH World Congress 2018

March 20 - 23 2018 NZIEH, New Zealand Institute of Environmental Health Inc. hosted the 15th IFEH World Congress on Environmental Health in Auckland, New Zealand