UNDRR webinar on COVID-19
Through the IFEH partnership on Science and Technology with the UNDRR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - the IFEH were invited to participate in a UNDRR webinar 25 March 2020 on practical experiences from P.R. China and the Republic of Korea with COVID-19. Some 750 participators were attending the webinar. The webinar was organized by the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s office in Incheon, Korea and the World Health Organization.
All given presentations can be found on the UNDRR PreventionWeb:
An outline of the webinar regarding the Korean practical experience can be found on the UNDRR website:
A couple of days later the Chinese experience was presented at another similar UNDRR webinar - and an outline of the Chinese experience can be found on the UNDRR website:

The Emerging Situation - What we currently know about COVID-19
What we need to know as individuals - The role of Environmental Health Practitioners (EHPs) - Useful and important links
Look up the IFEH Update

Great EH initiatives led by the Zambian Institute of Environmental Health - ZIEH
ZIEH, full member of the IFEH, has been running great EH initiatives which can lead by example for other IFEH member organisations to be inspired from. Besides running great propjects the ZIEH has done something out of the ordinary by giving EH awards to the Zambian National President on 19th December 2019 at State House in Lusaka, Zambia. At this event Dr S. Mudaly, President of IFEH and Mr. J. Chaka, Chair IFEH Africa Regional Group participated as invited guests.
Look up the full ZIEH Newsletter

New Year message
from the President of the IFEH
Dr Selva Mudaly , IFEH President has issued a New Year message for all members of the International Federation of Environmental Heath.
Look up the IFEH President's message

IFEH Newsletter October 2019
The IFEH Newsletter October 2019 Edition
is now available.
Look up the IFEH Newsletter

World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2019

Participation in World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2019 is now open.
This year's theme is:
Climate change challenges, time for global
Environmental Health to act in unison
Look up the full Theme description of WEHD 2019

IFEH Academic World Conference on
Environmental Health
Kampala, Uganda
The Conference in Kampala, April 2019, was a great success.
Look up the Statement on the 3rd IFEH World Academic
Conference 2019 prepared by the host MUEHSA Uganda.
Statement on the Kampala Conference

IFEH Academic World Conference on
Environmental Health
Kampala, Uganda, 9 - 11 April 2019
The final draft Agenda for this important Conference is now available

IFEH Newsletter March 2019
The IFEH Newsletter March 2019 Edition
is now available.

Disaster due to the cyclone Idai
IFEH President Messages
IFEH President message to Malawi Environmental Health Association
IFEH President message to Zimbabwe Environmental Health Association

IFEH Disaster Risk Reduction Committee
IFEH is a member of the UNISDR - United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction - partnership on Science and Technology
Members of the AAEH are welcome to participate.
Henning I. Hansen
Hon. Vice President IFEH
Chairman IFEH DRR Committee

Roy Emerson Award Competition 2018
Deadline for submission of entries: 31st October 2018
Undergraduate Students in Universities linked to the IFEH as Academic Members or through the local IFEH Member Association are invited to submit a 2000-3000 Word Essay and accompanying power-point presentation.
Look up further information and instructions

IFEH Newsletter August 2018
The IFEH Newsletter August 2018 Edition
is now available.

IFEH Academic World Conference 2019
Call for Papers
The Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda, is hosting the 3rd IFEH World Academic Conference on Environmental Health 9 - 11 April 2019
The conference is run in conjunction with the 16th Makerere University Environmental Health Students' Association (MUEHSA) Scientific Conference
Look up further information on the IFEH website
Visit the Conference website -
to get further information and in order to respond to the call for papers.

IFEH Newsletter March 2018
The IFEH Newsletter March 2018 Edition
is now available.

World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2018

Participation in
World Environmental Health Day
26 September 2018
is now open.
This year's theme is:

Scientific Conference on EH in Uganda

Call for papers
15th Annual Scientific Conference to be held on 12 -13 April 2018, Kampala, Uganda.
See poster for further details

IFEH Newsletter July 2017
The IFEH Newsletter July 2017 Edition is now available.

IFEH Magazine

The IFEH Magazine - Environment & Health International
December 2016 Edition and December 2017 Edition

IFEH 14th World Conference on Environmental Health
in Malawi, 2016
The host of the 2016 IFEH World Conference on EH, Malawi Environmental Health Association, has launched their conference website for this coming World event to take place in Lilongwe, Malawi 3 - 6 May 2016.
Further information on the IFEH website
Look up the conference website:

Makerere University -
Environmental Health Students’ Association
Organized by:
Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association
in partnership with Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda
9th – 10th April 2015
Tal cottages, Rubaga - Kabuusu, Kampala, Uganda
Look up further information and call for abstacts

Makerere University -
Environmental Health Students’ Association
Organized by:
Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association
In partnership with Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda
10th – 11th April 2014
Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala, Uganda
Look up further information and call for abstacts

Makerere University -
Environmental Health Students’ Association
Organized by:
Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association
In partnership with Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda
11th – 12th April 2013
Fairway Hotel, Kampala
3rd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health
IFEH AFRICA and SAIEH are organising the 3rd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health. The Congress is held in Durban, South Africa 12-14 November 2012.
The theme is: Environmental Health - A collaborative approach for Africa towards a sustainable future.
Congres Program and Call for Papers
Registration Form
Application Form for Exhibitors
Sponsorship information
Conference 20.02.2012 in Washington, USA, organised by Association of International Education Administrators,
"Leadership in International Higher Education"
At the conference professor Anthony Grimason, University of Strathclyde/Malawi, EXCO member of AAEH, presented a paper titled: Education partnerships – how to meet stakeholders needs. DelPHE 3 project: Africa Academy for Environmental Health.
Organized by: Makerere University Environmental Health Students’ Association in partnership with Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda
12th – 13th April 2012
At Silver Springs Hotel, Bugolobi, Kampala.
12.12.2011 - revised 09.02.2012
Africa Academy for Environmental Health workshop in Malawi
The Africa Academy for Environmental Health holds another successful workshop to develop research capacity in female academics teaching environmental health in Africa.

Africa Academy for Environmental Health launches the African Women Environmental Health Network
At a recent workshop held in Johannesburg, South Africa, female members of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health from eight institutions in six countries agreed to form the African Women Environmental Health Network (AWEHN).

How to write research proposals
The Africa Academy for Environmental Health EXCO had a very successful workshop (14-18 March 2011) as part of a DelPHE 3 British Council grant. As part of the workshop a 1 day capacity building session was presented by Dr Rob Daley, a Research Development Coordinator from the Heriot-Watt University in the United Kingdom on writing a research grant proposal. The members of the EXCO of the Africa found the presentation very helpful as a guide to write such proposals and decided to make it available to academics in Africa and abroad. Permission was obtained from Dr Daley to post the presentation on the website of the Africa Academy.
Download the presentation:

MUEHSA 8th Annual Scientific Conference on Environmental Health - Kampala, Uganda.
Final call for abstracts.
This conference is organized by Makerere University Environmental Health Students Association, MUEHSA. In partnership with Makerere University School of Public Health, Kampala, Uganda.
The conference is expected to contribute to the overall development of the Environmental Health in Uganda and East Africa as well as enhance the co-operation between the different sectors. Students are particularly encouraged to present their research findings.
The theme for the MUEHSA 8th Annual Scientific Conference 2011 is: Scaling up Hygiene and Sanitation – a multi-sectoral approach. Interested participants should submit abstracts on integrated sanitation and hygiene management, multi-sectoral involvement in sanitation and hygiene, environmental and public health, and climate change.
Further information: www.muehsa.4t.com
Look up final call for abstracts:

Press release from the Africa Academy for Environmental Health
Ten female academics from higher education
institutions offering environmental health across Southern and East of Africa recently
participated in the 2010 HERS-SA Academy in Cape Town during September 2010.
members of the group were supported through the Africa Academy for Environmental
Health grant for Developing Gender Equity in Higher Education Institutions
offering Environmental Health Project funded by the Association of African
Universities MRCI grant.

The Africa Academy for Environmental Health launches a generic curriculum for Africa
The generic curriculum was launched at the 2nd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health that was held in Lilongwe Malawi during May 2010. As far as can be gathered this is a world milestone achievement as it is a first for a continent in the world to achieve such a generic curriculum.
For more on the launch:
For a copy of the curriculum:

Quality Management
Africa Academy for Environmental Health (AAEH) publishes a quality management framework for environmental health programmes in Africa

Africa Academy for Environmental Health (AAEH)
Curriculum for Environmental Health finalised
The AAEH is very excited about the fact that one of the main objectives of the British Council sponsored project, namely the development of a curriculum for environmental health for Africa, has been finalised during a workshop that was held in Johannesburg, South Africa during February 2010.

The Africa Academy For Environmental Health announces a generic curriculum outlay for training programmes in environmental health in Africa
Koos Engelbrecht, the Chairperson of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health reports that after various workshops the Africa Academy for Environmental Health is proud to announce the agreed generic curriculum outlay for training programmes in environmental health in Africa. The complete curriculum will be finalised during a meeting in Pretoria South Africa early 2010. The curriculum will be launched at the 2nd All Africa Congress on Environmental Health on 24-27 May 2010. To download the curriculum outlay please click here.

The 19th Botswana Environmental Health Conference
The 19th Botswana Environmental Health Conference will take place in at the International Conference Centre from 15-18 November 2009 in Gaborone, Botswana. The theme of the conference is “Our Planet in crisis: Need for action”. For more detail please click here

Africa Academy for Environmental Health
promotes the 2010 FIFA world cup in South Africa
Read more

List of known training Institutions that present environmental health training programmes in Africa.
Please contact the Chairperson of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health if you can assist to populate or update the list.
Dr JC Engelbrecht engelbrechtjc@tut.ac.za
Read more

Africa Academy workshop
Africa Academy held a very successfull workshop sponsored by DelPHE on curriculum development and quality assurance for Africa in Nairobi, Kenya on 17-20 August 2009.
Read more

Africa Academy for Environmental Health welcomes a new EXCO member from Zimbabwe

Mrs Margaret Macherera, Head of Department of Environmental Health, National University of Science and Technology (NAST), Zimbabwe.
Read more

Call for papers
2nd All Africa Environmental Health Congress, Malawi 2010
Organised by the IFEH AFRICA GROUP
Conference Website

Two Africa Academy for Environmental Health EXCO members receive prestigious awards.
Click here (Dr Koos Engelbrecht and Dr Tracy Morse) for more details.

Africa Academy first workshop on curriculum development and quality assurance as part of the DelPHE project.
As part of the British Council sponsored DelPHE (Development partnerships in Higher Education) project the Africa Academy held it’s first of 6 workshops (as part of a three year project cycle) in Pretoria South Africa from 3 to 5 March 2009..
Download the report by Dr Koos Engelbrecht, Chairperson of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health:

The 2009 Executive Committee (EXCO)

EXCO The Africa Academy for Environmental Health - 2009
Presentation of the members of the EXCO and management structure of the Africa Academy
Contact details of EXCO members
At the launch of AAEH it was decided to locate the site of operations for the Academy at the Tshwane University of Technology, located in Tshwane (Pretoria) South Africa. For the immediate future the EXCO see this as only a virtual site to co-ordinate the functions and activities of the Academy. The following persons form the EXCO of the Academy:
- Chairperson – Dr Koos Engelbrecht (Tshwane University of Technology South Africa engelbrechtjc@tut.ac.za) that will be responsible as chairperson and for the communication portfolio
- Mrs Margaret Macherera, (National University for Science and Technology (NAST), Zimbabwe mmacherera@ifeh.org ) Co-responsible for the communication portfolio.
- Dr Tony Grimason - (University of Strathclyde, Scotland a.m.grimason@strath.ac.uk) responsible for the portfolio of European link
- Mr Kingsley Lungu - (Malawi University, Malawi klungu@poly.ac.mw) responsible for the portfolio resource mobilisation (including funding)
- Dr Margaret Keraka (Kenyatta University, Kenya mnyanchoka2000@yahoo.com) and
Mrs Tanya Haman (University of Johannesburg, South Africa thaman@uj.ac.za) responsible for the portfolio academic
- Mr Dennis Mazali (University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania dmazali@gmail.com) and
Mr Titus Maswabi (University of Botswana, Botswana maswabim@mopipi.ub.bw) responsible for the portfolio e-learning
- Mr William Kitagwa (Moi University, Kenya wilkita2002@yahoo.com) and
Mr Stanley Nkambule (University of Swaziland, Swaziland snkambul@uniswa.sz ) responsible for the portfolio quality assurance
- Dr Tracy Morse – (University of Malawi, Malawi / Strathclyde University, Scotland UK tracythomson@africa-online.net) responsible for gender
- Mr Yoram Siulapwa – ( University of Zambia, Zambia rabmbewe@yahoo.co.uk) additional EXCO member

Gender Policy.
The Africa Academy of Environmental Health (Academy) recognises that all environmental health and allied health professionals must have knowledge and awareness of the ways in which gender affects health, so that they may address gender issues wherever appropriate to ensure that their work is both effective and gender sensitive. Gender mainstreaming is therefore a key component of the development and role of the organization and members.
Download the Gender Policy:
Link (updated August 2009)

Questionnaire on training institutions in Africa.
QUESTIONNAIRE ON TRAINING INSTITUTIONS IN AFRICA. To establish a baseline, data needs to be collected on the status of environmental health training in Africa. The outcomes of the study will be posted on the web page of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health. All training Institutions in Africa that presents environmental health programmes are requested to complete the questionnaire. Your willingness to assist by completing the questionnaire is highly appreciated by the EXCO of the Academy. By completing the questionnaire your Institution will automatically be included in the database of the Academy website.
Download the questionnaire:

Project to develop environmental health curricula and accredited diploma / degree programmes in environmental health
Africa Academy for Environmental Health project to develop environmental health curricula and accredited diploma / degree programmes in environmental health in SADC higher education Institutes – one of two projects out of 100 applications successfully funded by the British Council.
For more details refer to the DelPHE Project Implementation plan:

By: Dr Koos Engelbrecht (Elected Chairperson of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health).
Head of Department: Environmental Health, Faculty of Science, Tshwane University of Technology, Private Bag X680. PRETORIA. 0001. SOUTH AFRICA.
Fax: +27 12 3825262, E-mail: engelbrechtjc@tut.ac.za
An historic event for environmental health training in Africa took place when the Academy was officially launched at the 1st All Africa Congress on Environmental Health held in Nairobi Kenya that took place from 27 – 30 August 2007. The launch took place after more than 10 years of preparatory work that included a consultation process amongst Africa members of the International Federation for Environmental Health (IFEH) that lead to the approval of the constitution of the academy as well as approval by the IFEH.
The Academy is a body of academic institutions, organisations representing environmental health professionals and expert practitioners for the advancement of the science and practice of environmental health in Africa to represent academic institutions and the Africa Group of IFEH and to promote the interest and uphold the status of environmental health training in Africa. The main objectives of the Academy are:
- To advance the discipline of environmental health training in Africa.
- To represent key stakeholders in environmental health training in Africa.
- To strive to improve the standard of environmental health training in Africa
- To promote the national continental and international recognition of environmental health.
- To be a point of reference to professional advice on environmental health training.
- To facilitate contact with other international environmental health training institutions and bodies/associations that share values compatible with the aims of the Academy.
- To promote exchange of environmental health academics and professionals within Africa and abroad.
- To promote sharing of best practices in environmental health within Africa and abroad.
- To promote and facilitate collaborative environmental health research and training.
Membership shall be confined to any recognised institution responsible for environmental health training in Africa and recognised national environmental health professional bodies/associations in Africa. Individual academics and expert professionals may become associate members by invitation and approval of the EXCO of the Africa Academy for Environmental Health. The portfolio on EXCO responsible for membership is currently working on the criteria for such membership. The most important challenge is to make contact with all environmental health training institutions in Africa recognised by their respective government (Ministry of Health). Any assistance to ensure that the Academy is inclusive as possible will be highly appreciated by the Executive Committee (EXCO) of the Board of the Academy.
Please complete the membership form and forward to the Chairperson, Dr Koos Engelbrecht at engelbrechtjc@tut.ac.za for submission to the EXCO.
At the launch it was decided lo locate the site of operations for the Academy as the Tshwane University of technology, located in Tshwane (Pretoria) South Africa. For the immediate future the EXCO see this as only a virtual site to co-ordinate the functions and activities of the Academy. The meeting in Nairobi also elected the first EXCO of the Academy.
The EXCO was mandated by the members to, as the membership grows, to co-opt other members with specific academic skills on the EXCO.
Presentation of the members of the EXCO and management structure of the Africa Academy as per 2009
At the first meeting of the EXCO of the Academy in Nairobi the committee decided on the lowing as a way forward:
Web site
The webmaster of the IFEH offered to locate the activities of the Africa Academy on the website of the IFEH. The Chairperson will take responsibility to together with the web master of the IFEH establish a web page for the Academy. As the activity expands the web site will be populated with the information and details.
Priority tasks
As a matter of high priority the respective portfolio holders will establish an action list of priorities within their portfolios. The actions will be approved by the EXCO of the Academy and target dates and progress will be periodically monitored. The following tasks were listed at the fist meeting as tasks to be considered by the portfolio owners:
- Membership database
- Revisit the constitution (as soon as the web page is up and running a copy will be posted for information and comments)
- Establishment of a web page
- Academic links outside Africa
- Quality assurance guidelines for academic programmes
- To be a point of entry in Africa for academic information
- Establish an accredited Africa Journal for Environmental Health
- To develop generic training outcomes (syllabus) as minimum requirements for recognition
- To promote exchange of academic staff and students
- To enhance, promote and stimulate environmental health research in Africa
- To promote research skills amongst environmental health academics and practitioners
- To establish a database of environmental health expertise in Africa
- To promote and stimulate e-learning
The EXCO of the Academy would like to urge all environmental health academics, especially training institutions responsible for environmental health training in Africa to pledge and commit their active support to the aims, objectives and plans of the Academy. At the first meeting of EXCO the members confirmed their commitment to work tirelessly to succeed with the aims and objectives of the Academy.